Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Do the 8th grade and younger crabs parents pay attention to the games their kids play in? Do they not notice the lack of coaching? The difference in systems between Crabs and the other top teams? Do they not notice that their son does not improve year to year unless they are paying for training outside of Crabs? All the while they are treated like crap and their boys are beaten down and play scared unless they are one of the overage studs that everything runs through? There are a lot of good kids and families that still sign their kids up for the same BS year after year and expect things to change.

What is the definition of insanity?

Looking for a definition of insanity? Easy, YOUR post!

I have been around club lax for a bit and yes the landscape has changed. Not sure how the Hawks became the big kid on the block but they have. Crabs had the strong hold in the start of club lax but with all the strong baltimore clubs with great coaching it was just time before more programs caught up.
It is good for the sport to have better clubs around the entire beltway and I think that if anyone wanted to really make the lax better on the east coast you have more games and travel state to state for more games. Not as many tournaments but a league like in hockey where you travel around for games.

Wait. The way to make youth lacrosse is to spend more time driving up and down 95?

Please tell me how much you drive up and down 95 for lax. In a well run travel program you we you travel you make it worth it. Go to LI and play 4 games for league play and locally you may play FCA on sat and 91 on sun. Following weekend madlax and dc express.
I just named 8 games in 3 weekends and I could go on with a schedule but it is real easy. As a travel sport parent driving 95 from Fla to Maine is all part of travel sports.