Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
You are wrong big time, I am YJ parent and last name counts . There are 3 or 4 kids on gold that belong on blue and still some blue players belong down on gold. They took over 120 kids for 2020 . Every club team is the same, ashould make money, but don't think for a moment that it is a fair process

3 or 4 gold kids "belong" on the blue? When the blue team soundly beat the gold team this past summer were those kids that belong on the blue team even on the field?

Why respond to some moron who may or may not have a child playing YJ. The only thing you know for sure about the original poster is they are pathetic , calling out the skill level of 5 th graders.If last name counts why don't you tell us some names that you feel do not belong .You won't do it because even a coward like you realize how sad you are.
asking for names is stupid. cmon now u want them wearing the scarlett letter

Actually when you say last name counts you have already put your Scarlett letter on kids who you either meant to and in some cases did not mean to. Many will think they know who you are talking about so you might as well be even more pathetic and just name the kids.Grow up your kid did not make the top team in 5th grade, who cares, tell your kid to work hard, show up every practice and game ,and take it to the top team when they play them.If she does that and her parents are not the most annoying people around she will be moved up, if her parents keep knocking kids who were evaluated to be more skilled than their kid she will not.