Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
More fake news from the deranged LI dad that has been posting on this thread and the NY2024 thread non-stop for the last 48 hours. You are a perfect example of why everyone hates LI, even LI. You really don't warrant a response, but because I am getting sick of you and your nonsense, I will take the bait. Who cares about MM's Elite 8? Are you going really have us believe that ONE weekend when Madlax was missing three starters is proof that LI dominates. No matter how good Madlax 2024 is they are going to struggle when they are missing key players, and don't forget that T91MD beat Taz that weekend. You want to know what shows that LI doesn't dominate. When Madlax played LI's WP in the HHH championship in one of the last games of the summer. Madlax led the entire game. WP struggled to even get the ball in the offensive zone, much less a shot on goal. It was such a pathetic display by WP that the LI dads were urging their kids to take cheap shots. Madlax won with dignity and class, while the refs gave WP the TKO. You want to know what also shows that LI doesn't dominate. When Madlax played LI's Taz in the NXT championship in Madlax's last game of the summer. Taz and WP are good, but they certainly don't dominate the sport. You really should get a hobby and lay off the delusional posts.

You're just as much of an idiot. It's about having fun and getting better. When your son (if he's still playing) gets to HS, nobody cares who won a 6th grade tournament. And guess what? The day after a 10th grade tournament, nobody cares, either (including the team that won).

Get a life, Madlax. No wonder everybody hates your club.

Not a Madlax parent, but save your holier than thou crap. Who do you think you are spewing pearls of wisdom like you are better than everyone else? Or bashing some kid's club? You know what: it is about having fun and getting better. But ask any of the kids, and they will all tell you that it is a lot more fun when you win!

Ok, Madlax dad. Go ahead and defend dads arguing about which 6th grade team is better.

Is your son one of the six reclassed kids on this Madlax 2024 team? Yeah, that's right. We know about those kids.