Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
one price fits all vs tiered pricing would indicate that the lower tiered coaches would be recieving inferior pay for their time unless all of the coaches were to pool their fees and be paid equally out of that.

then there is the question of how to determine a tier? what happens if that team does great and moves up? do they pay more, or less if they move down?

one price seems to fit as you'd expect same level of coaching and not expect that your higher or lower fee means you're paying to be on a good or lesser team, so to speak; but rather paying to ensure that the younger and less experienced will recieve the same level of coaching and expertise regardless of ability of the player. Thus, hopefully all levels of players will continue to grow in ablility and confidence.

It's not realistic that you should expect the same level of coaching from top to bottom in a grade - you get MC or one of the other directors at the top and they are the best. Below that you get good coaching but definately not the best that the program has to offer and that the top teams are getting. As such, I would think you should pay less for that and even the lower team coaches would be ok with that and undersand where they are in the pecking order when it comes to compensation.

and you expect that the parents who are paying their fees to be ok with that sentiment? I think that is unrealistic...

All will want their kid to be exposed to the best that their money can buy and expect a program of the level of Express to establish uniform levels of coaching and not a "pecking order" of economy coaching.

would you settle for that?

Uniform levels? - you really believe that? what kind of fantasy land do you live in? Would the Express have the guts to advertise "uniform levels of coaching" regardless of team? Of course not, nobody would believe it. Please, we are adults and the concept of "A" team, "B" team and "C" team is not foreign to anybody. It's ok - until you want to charge "A" team service for a "C" team experience. All I'm saying is that the Express should try tiered pricing (as others have) and see how it goes. I bet the response would be overwhelmingly positive.