Originally Posted by Anonymous
Ty didn't write this. I did and I'm a lacrosse parent just like you. The only difference between us is that I am capable of being happy for kids other than my son when success comes their way.

Same here, Success has come my sons way and also to several of his teammates and friends and I am extremely happy for all of them. The only difference is that I see too many people putting too much into what Ty writes. . He is not the be all/ end all of recruiting. HS and especially college coaches and their "scouts" have a much better picture of the landscape of players, not just in the Md/NY area but countrywide. Happy for my son and others, if they are written up by Ty or not. Where you get the notion that my son was never written up by Ty I have no idea, but you are incorrect. But that doesn't change the way I look at Ty Xanders. Perhaps I know a little more than most people about him.