Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Club owners make the majority of their money off tournaments. They are not going to change to age based until teams stop attending their tournaments. Crabs, FCA, Looneys and the MIAA schools they feed into thrive off the reclass scheme. Why would they change? Take one look at the Baltimore Under Armour Command roster and it is painfully obvious who is on age and who is not.

Wasnt that the craziest thing ever.. Baltimore was basically a bunch of raising 11th graders instead of 10th. All of them should have been on the Highlight Division team..Well most would have not made it. Most people around country all know the drill with Baltimore teams. Loaded with older players. Many others are trying to catch up now each seems.

MIAA has ruined youth lacrosse in MD. They didnt do it themselves. It was the Clubs associated with MIAA teams like Crabs , FCA, etc..

No one cared when youth was age and MIAA middle schools teams and High Schools teams played each others holdbacks. Probably fair to each MIAA team as they all had prefirst and holdbacks..... But once the older holdbacks/prefirsts filtered to youth programs and clubs and started to play down.....It has ruined the integrity and fairness of Youth lacrosse in MD.

Shut up.

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Club owners make the majority of their money off tournaments. They are not going to change to age based until teams stop attending their tournaments. Crabs, FCA, Looneys and the MIAA schools they feed into thrive off the reclass scheme. Why would they change? Take one look at the Baltimore Under Armour Command roster and it is painfully obvious who is on age and who is not.

Wasnt that the craziest thing ever.. Baltimore was basically a bunch of raising 11th graders instead of 10th. All of them should have been on the Highlight Division team..Well most would have not made it. Most people around country all know the drill with Baltimore teams. Loaded with older players. Many others are trying to catch up now each seems.

MIAA has ruined youth lacrosse in MD. They didnt do it themselves. It was the Clubs associated with MIAA teams like Crabs , FCA, etc..

No one cared when youth was age and MIAA middle schools teams and High Schools teams played each others holdbacks. Probably fair to each MIAA team as they all had prefirst and holdbacks..... But once the older holdbacks/prefirsts filtered to youth programs and clubs and started to play down.....It has ruined the integrity and fairness of Youth lacrosse in MD.

Shut up.

You shut up