Originally Posted by Anonymous
I agree all changes to the rules can be done easily within a 12 month window. Make a rule say on Aug 1st this is the new rule. Not hard at all. Teams rosters from AA to C level change at the least 25% every Aug. No reason to push a rule out so slow. Now do we think the clubs like 3D who have tournaments with a 100 teams will play teams like the Crabs or Madlax with reclassed kids with a whole team of on age 12 month window kids? If these clubs want to go age based only they can but they will still want to play in the Crabs, Madlax, Hawks tournaments. These clubs with high numbers of Private school kids on them will always be older and they will want to play grade based. I think Lacrosse is still run by the Private school kids/parents. We might get 4th to 7th grade to conform to a 12 month window but I say a 0% chance 8th to 11th grade teams will ever not be grade based.

At least in Maryland it is run by the elitist private school parents/coaches driven only by the dollar and the dads egos - never about the kids in Baltimore. Better luck to the other areas of the country that have not yet killed the game.