Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Lots of angry and rude posts... kinda sux that so many of us feel such angst these days...
Who can blame anyone?? Traffic's been horrendous, LIRR a nightmare, over taxed, over worked, underpaid, come home exhausted, and muster enough energy to raise good kids...
Whether your kids go public, private, Cham, Anthony's, doesn't matter... do you remember how great the feeling of playing a varsity sport, with all your friends, gearing up in anticipation, to compete against your schools' historical arch nemesis (topped w Championship title on the line)??
...once, in a lifetime experience... if you are lucky enough, by making (nowadays) year round sacrifices (training, practicing, missing parties, vacation, etc...) to be in that position to lay it all on the line one last time for your teamates and school colors...
yeah, no one died, and life goes on... but roughly 50 (seniors) were Robbed of that "once in a lifetime feeling" because some tired, beaten down adults, decided to take the easy way out, and hide behind an antiquated, CYA rule.
...pretty soon, no one will give it another thought, Except, of course, when those 50 kids, fast forward to adults, and decide to look back, on their day, that did not happen.

The penalty for using an ineligible player is severe. Athletic directors and coaches knew that it is severe but neglected to do their due diligence (their job) to make sure there were no ineligible players on the field. You say it is an antiquated rule - why so?

....Antiquated rule and punishment, because It's a 2 teams league (Chaminade/Anthony's) - Can't effectively Sanctioning 1 team from Championship, without denying the 2nd Team from competition... it's, not as if, there is an opportunity for the next runner up team.

Tough $h*t. Boo freaking hoo, get over yourself losers!