Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
8th and 9th graders that verbal are the ones who transfer the most because their parents help push the initial choice. Then when they get to college sometimes 5 years later, their ability level might not be what it once was and they find themselves on the bench for the first time in their lives and they don't like it so they transfer and start a new.

11th graders that commit have the most success (even if they don't get then most money). Almost fully mature. KNow what they want to go to school for and its easier to judge their ability to kids currently on the college team
Evidence please? While I agree that perfect world choosing later is better for a kid for the reasons outlined and I hope the NCAA changes the rule, I know plenty of kids who have committed freshman or sophomore year and are very happy where they are.

I understand your point, but a kid who commits to Duke or Hopkins is doing so at that age because of what they do in lacrosse it has nothing to do with the education part. They don't know what to major in . It's like being told you can play for the Patriots . You are going there because you where their hat. No idea if it's a good fit ..only dad knows. Think about it How does a kid transfer schools before he finishes 9th grade? Dad tells him to not the kid. Why commit to the first school.It doesn't make any sense