Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Boderoniol
I take exception to that, we got pushed off to the last group where my daughter lit up the overmatched girls continuously and no matter what she did, she didn't even get noticed at all.
It was pretty rough too say the least, she was jumping through hoops to get to the white jersey and get noticed and not a sniff.
She plays all winter with the top girls and doesn't claim to be as good, but she should have been taken seriously.

How do you know how "seriously" they took her until you find out what team she made.

For real? Everyone knows what team their daughter made before they left. I felt bad for the girls in the Red pinnnys who were not treated fairly. Some of them were better players than the "A" team girls who didn't even have to prove themselves. YJ needed to add talent but the Instead stayed with the same team that got shelled in MD

I was standing next to a parent of a red pinny girl who was beside himself, having fits watching the tryout. Figured out who his daughter was really quickly and started to watch for a while. Just because a kid has reasonable skill, reasonable speed, and scores a couple scrimmage goals doesn't maker her an A team prospect. What I saw was a girl completely forcing the issue, holding on to the ball way too long time and again, passing up open teammates over and over, and a father no coach wants on their sidelines. As a coach, this is not a player I am remotely interested in. I have watched many of the YJ tryouts, system CR runs definitely identifies the talent quickly. Can a good player have a bad tryout and get overlooked? Certainly. But the new additions to A seem to be correct most of the time. Good luck to all who tried or will be trying out!