Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Im convinced the holdback comments are created and posted by "bots" .. Way to pathetic and consistent for it to be a just an envious parent.

Doubt it. The only really pathetic thing is the Crabs program, how it operates and how the parents/fans of Crabs feel they are superior, which everyone knows they aren't.
If for one minute you think other parents are envious of Crabs, you are really dreaming and clearly misinformed. So, see, I do not think this response would be a "bot". Also don't think the response is coming from Ryan M either. Lastly, it is "too pathetic" not "to pathetic". See, a bot couldn't do that.

What really is surprising and sad is the families who say they would NEVER go to the organization and then throw away all their morals and priorities about what is right and allow their child to be part of such an organization. The excuse of "it is what the kid wants" is so shallow - you are the adult and you are paying $ for an experience you trashed for years as against what your family belief system is. All for a sport?!? Same goes for the holdback parents who flipped on the issue when confronted with a a choice that their son needed to play younger kids to look better. Sad state of affairs of a commentary on their integrity.

They are playing lacrosse. Not leaving the country to join ISIS. Yeesh. Going against your family belief system? How about the kids play where they want because they have fun. God forbid.

How can it be fun when many of the players and parents know they are cheating and gaming the system by re classing??? Oh, I know, fat crab daddy said it is ok and the right thing to do. Now that is disgusting.

Because none of the kids give a crap if the kids on the other team are 8 months older than they are. Only loser parents like the one's on here do. The kids play and have fun. When the game is over they talk crap to each other in fun and go back to being friends. It's the adults that ruin the sport and make a big deal of it. My on age son didn't like losing to Crabs so he worked hard and joined them. His choice. He loves his teammates. They are his friends and many are his classmates. Isn't that what youth sport is about? Not winning a stupid t-shirt or medal.

The kids do care and actually laugh at the hold backs and understand how sad it is that they have to repeat a grade and beat up younger kids. Do not fool yourself into thinking otherwise or rationalizing that it is only the adults.