Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Yes but why let the facts get in the way of a good story.

Crabs 2020 team should have been playing in the 2018 or at least the 2019 bracket. Entire program is a bunch of cheats and the fat leader does anything he can to game the system to his advantage. Can't believe all the parents who buy into his BS.

Stop being jealous because all the hold backs are taking your son's spots on the early recruiting process!!! The other plus is he can drive to high school all four years and I don't have to get up any earlier. Now I bet you didn't think of that did you. Every parent is going to raise their kids and do what they feel is in their best interest for them. So until everyone knows everyone's situation and why their kids may have been held back or started school later. Give it a break already and raise your kid how you want to and we will not judge you on how to do so. Can't wait for high school what are you all going to complain about then? I know when your smaller one has to play freshman because my double hold back will be taking his spot on the varsity team.....

Well, besides your cheating double holdback, we could complain about your improper English and sentence structure and lack of punctuations!!!!