Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
YJ 2021 should be so proud . [lacrosse] fill in daddy coach leaves his kid in almost entire game while they are up by 10 plus goals while some kids barely get in . Coach is a clown who knows nothing about lax but climbs far enough up the queens " bee hive" to be allowed to control his kids team . Maybe these parents will decide enough is enough .

Please tell me you are not actually on this team? Pretty personal attack and choice of words that I doubt you would say to his face or sign your name to?

Not the original poster but I understand their sentiments. Its gets old very fast watching daddy coaches favor their kids and the ones that do it should not be allowed to coach a team with their own kid on it. In terms of it being personal , of course its personal when you have a coach who keeps his own kid in for the whole game for blowouts. Yes all parents feel their kid is better than they are( they should) but any coach who could not find a way for playing time to be relatively the same for every kid at that tournament is a horrible coach and has to live with themselves.

Make no mistake, need to fear the bee and if your kid needs to ride then bench to ensure that 10 goal plus lead agaisnt a team that never played together then too bad! Must have been sucking to spend all that money, play crap teams and watch your daughter for a few minutes after the real studs took care of business. Flying to Indy, spending $$$$, playing crap teams, watch your kid on the sideline , medal ceremony = priceless !

Could be worse, as it is the same at nearly every club and every team, at least they are a part a a winning experience. And these girls are on a team where if they put the time and effort in , they can win a starting position on that great team. That's a choice the kid must make, be a stud on a lesser team, or hang in, train/play with the best, and have a shot to make an impact. This top half and bottom half of the team exists on every team for every sport. I can never figure this type of club bashing out, what exactly are you trying to do? Have these kids give up? I say, keep working hard, your right on the verge, good luck.

Not the same in every club. My daughters team rotated all players throughout the tournament in the 2019 bracket this weekend. Even when the score was close or they were losing by a marginal deficit. Don't get me wrong, the coach wants to win but feels that all girls from 1-25 on the A team deserves a chance on the field. That is why they are on the A team. The team ended up placing at U15 not bad for getting all players in every game with equal playing time. Sometimes it is not about walking through the airport wearing a medal around your neck at 50+ years old. Guess the YJ parents feel that stinger watching your girls sit the bench. Ouch!!