Originally Posted by Anonymous
I would just like to know the benefit of playing a team 2 years older who probably wont drop a pass. Please name a few and list them because I must be ignorant. A 2025 team is not a money grab if they are practicing and becoming better every week. Thats what I pay for. The fundamentals. No need to pay a fee for a tourney unless the players can benefit .

There is a benefit to playing older teams - and it isn't to win. If all you want is a win, you're going to be disappointed.

The thing I like most about playing older teams is the only way the team can survive is with good stick skills and ball movement. Physically they are stronger and faster. You can't out run them. You can't bully your way to the cage. So you must play good lacrosse. Learning to do that will put you way ahead when you play on grade level or when you go out of state and the girls are much older in your bracket.