Originally Posted by Anonymous
Ask Mike "This is a FOR Profit" team Chanenchuk that question...>Express only participate in tourneys MR Chanenchuck and friends can profit from. Don't listen to "it's all about the kids". LI Express is all about how much can Mike and friends make while making it sound as if there's a scholarship awaiting every LI Express player. If your kid doesn't make the Express A team, run for the hills. Then again, save your $100 ($100 to tryout....talk about being pompous) and go get coached by others who have just as much experience and superior coaching.....its easy to figure out which teams they are...they're listed under Long Island Clubs on this website

I do not believe LI Express has ever pretended they were a "Not-for-Profit". They are a business and as such can and will make money. It's that simple!