Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Looks like Elevate plays some good clubs this weekend....

It's a shame the 2021 YJ team will probably not make it out of their bracket this weekend. Was looking forward to a matchup this summer.

You may be correct, this is the most competitive collection of teams I have ever seen in a bracket at any tournament for this age group, ever. What ever team wins this bracket has a cakewalk through playoffs. Most likely winner would be M&D black, but there are several teams that could make some noise, certainly YJ. If your trying to put elevate 2021 anywhere near the level of the teams in this bracket, you are delusional.

First of all for the 2021 division this weekend, 2 teams from the YJ division make it and they will be one of them, either 1st or 2nd. In the Elevate bracket which is certainly a weaker bracket 1 team makes the playoffs and Elevate will be representing that division in the playoffs.

M&D beat YJ Skak 10-5. Elevate is 0-2 and hasn't played Hero's yet, not looking good.