Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
If the ongoing argument is about academics and matriculation, Gilman stands alone.

If the argument is about athletics, then yes, the football team was a case of the tail wagging the dog and the issue has been addressed. The lacrosse team just suffered its worst year in a long time and will only get better. The rising 9th and 10th grades are very strong and by the time those players are in 11th and 12th grade, the program will be relevant. McDonough is in the process - with players moving here from Florida, Oregon, etc. - of setting itself apart. The MIAA should be there's to lose going forward. If you are a local boy, and want playing time and the best education in the MIAA, Gilman is the only school to consider.

if you are from Howard or Harford counties the best education is at the public schools!

Very true. The trick is to remember that the education is what matters - not who has the best lacrosse team. When private school proponents compare test scores they are doing so with all students averages in which is comparing apples and oranges. Public also mimics real life more than any private school environment which can be difficult but it is not a sheltered environment. There are benefits to both which makes it a choice for your child but education is not part of that discussion when dealing with those two counties.