Originally Posted by LITG Parent
The real issue is that we are being made fun of because of the way 'some', not all of the parents act at the games.
I personally watched a game at the Lax Inception Tournament where YJ 2015 was playing M&D 2015. Great game for the girls - hard fought, a couple of cards on both sides. I did not witness anything going on between the girls. Honestly, I heard some M&D parents say it was the best game they had ever seen and not because they won.
HOWEVER, there were a couple of parents that were threatening the refs and yelled at the M&D parents they would get them at the National Draw. 'Get them?' what does that mean? Beat them up on the sidelines? When I look at the various posts it seems like there are just a few girls and a coach that cause issues. If it were not for those few then maybe we would not be having discussions like these.
The mere fact that this forum seems almost dedicated to slandering one particular team should make everyone involved think about what is really going on. Is it just the coach that is telling the girls to do this? Are there parents telling their girls to do this? I doubt it is the ownership of the club telling just these select individuals to do these things.
Maybe there just happens to be some type of issue with these girls. I really doubt the coach calls these three girls aside and tells just them to do these things. If it were a coaching issue then the entire team would be out of control.
We always heard about the YJ when my daughter was just beginning to play club. Her first tournament we made time to go and see the YJ play so she could see where she had to take her level of play.
We still like to see the YJ play and the games are always good. I just wish 'some' of the parents would just keep the raucous comments to themselves. It would probably make the whole thing go away.

The real issue is people who don't take the time to read some great posts and simply shoot the [lacrosse] one liners out.

Don't let the few loud mouth jerks who post here stop the good thoughtful posts from being heard.