Originally Posted by Anonymous
I really don't understand why some people spend so much time on forums speaking out about a team they have nothing to do with. The funny thing is that many kids on 91, Crabs, FCA, etc are really good friends and don't seem to care about reclassers. Maybe some of the lunatic parents should take a page from their kids and just relax and enjoy the ride.

This is not only the fault of RM and the parents who allow their kids to reclass but all the parents who knowingly allow their kids to play for and pay an organization that encourages kids to do this. You are all just as guilty and as much of a sell out as the parents who reclass their kids. Until you stop funding a club just so your kids looks better by surrounding themselves with holdbacks and possibly hurting another's child, this will not stop. You are also guilty, lack character and sportsmanship.