Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I can't figure out the value for these bus tours, (Yes its fun for the girls, they hang out, they get to see some locker rooms and campus's, eat in a dining hall, whatever) but doesn't in a way set most of these kids up for disappointment? these big schools ( and these trips always seem to go to Maryland and Hopkins) might take 10 players a year, (some getting athletic money, some academic, some nothing) why visit a school that will never have interest in you and your parents couldn't afford anyway. just for the experience or for fun? OK.. I think you would get better value using the time to focus on the attainable.
where can you play,
what can I afford,
distance from home/travel,
what course of study are available/kid is interested in.

everything has a value and just because a club offers it doesn't mean its has a value for you or the kid

It's not about the kids, it is about the club program. It is a PR campaign and it also assures that if there is a SS in the group that she has been personally delivered to the partner schools.

Agreed that many players will not go to some of these schools, but it does expose these younger players to things like size of school, urban vs rural, "aesthetics" of campus and which they tend to gravitate to, the coaches often give their perspective on recruiting and what they look for in a kid, Di vs DIII philosophy, they eat lunch with players and learn about team camaraderie and see these college players as role players and learn the value of hard work from someone other than their coach or parent, etc. My daughter went two years ago and did not get recruited to any of the schools seen, but it definitely showed her some things she wanted to look for in a program. She learned she wanted an urban environment over more suburban or rural, she learned she wanted a medium sized school, she learned she didn't want the rigor of an Ivy coupled with lacrosse. All helped her to eventually get recruited to school which is a perfect fit for her. I do see the value, not for direct recruitment but to expose these kids to a variety.

Great post. What many people do not get is a big part of the trip was about the kids having fun and if it helps them being exposed to different schools then great. While all the schools they went to have top notch lacrosse programs the schools themselves were quite different. Maybe some of these people don't get the fact that the kids just like to hang out and be around one another and their coach .As far as the money , please , most of the people acting like they know better how to spend your money waste way more on their kids cell phone .Before you go and knock the trip why don't you ask a kid who went on the trip and see what they say because the few parents I have asked said their kid loved it.