At the end of the day, that club places a lot of kids in good colleges, that's what it's all about for them. College coaches don't care how old a kid is when he joins the team.[/quote]

I agree college recruiting is the source of the problem. People are holding back their kids for lacrosse in order for them to go to a better college and the reality is that for some kids it works. There is no way to stop this practice.

What is particularly frustrating about the Crabs is that it didn't help the 2019 kids being held back to play with the 2020's this summer. They would have been better served playing a higher level of competition this summer with kids their own age. No tournament has a rule against playing up so the claim that the boys had nowhere else to play is pure BS. Playing those boys in 2020 only helped the Crabs win a game. While technically within the rules it is shows terrible sportsmanship and is detrimental the kids themselves. Adults who show poor sportsmanship and harm the kids for their own ego and financial benefit should be sanctioned by the lacrosse community.

US lacrosse does not have any real power. Complaining about holdbacks and then having your son play in CrabFeast or Young Gunz is pure hypocrisy. Money talks. Either clubs that are trying to do the right thing are going to tell tournaments that they won't play without an age limitation on the grades or the practice will continue.

[lacrosse]'s and the new World Series of Lacrosse realize there has to be at least a loose restriction on age or they won't have any credibility. Teams need to put the same pressure on the tournament organizers to maintain their credibility.