Your all crazy, every sport that offers money has early recruiting...The only difference is that other sports continue to recruit kids that have already verballed, thus making the verbal meaningless. That is exactly what will happen in lax over time.

If you don't like the club scene, don't try out and play PAL. Stop telling us the world of pain clubs have caused and don't tell me what a mistake I made by having my 9th grader commit verbally.

Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it is the wrong choice for me. open your mind and think--different strokes for different folks--not exactly the black plague.

My kid plays 2 different sport, because he loves to play, and yes, he also gets great grades. Football in football season, lax is pretty much all year round.

Having a great time with club teamates--if I am willing to spend the time and $, why do you care?