Originally Posted by Anonymous
It is really about trying to get more 7th and 8th graders committed because it is good for her business. It keeps everyone on the summer sidelines talking. Next year she will take the hornets

I know everyone's experience is different and agendas vary, but I have not endured any of the negatives expressed on this site. Using this Towson team camp as an example... It was offered to the members of the team as completely optional and not all of the players are going. The team camp is named the Guantlet and has been run by Towson in prior years for teams in the 2020 and 2021 age group. It should be a great experience for the girls that go. Once I decide to pay the fee for the services and experiences expected, how the money gets split by the parties that be is not my concern, partiularly since YJ has always delivered on our expectations. As to the above post, there are no 7th or 8th graders committed on the YJ website so saying the program wants "more" to commit is simply inaccurate.