Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The topic has shifted. Never dd I (the original poster) say that men could not be successful head coaches for a woman team. I agree that men could, the debate started when someone posted that teams are bringing in recent grads from the mens game to teach woman a more aggressive style of lacrosse. this is where I disagree. I said cuse will not win while playing this style, the clock ran out on that with Northwestern (on of the most "Aggressive" teams ) U.N.C. , Duke, Fairfield are examples of teams with Asst./ head coaches that do not play the "aggressive" game. You can not teach a girl to be a boy, to be successful, I believe, you teach girls to play the game as woman not men. Gait is trying to force an apple to be an orange

The problem is you seem to have no idea what you are talking about. Just so you know UNC has a male assistant and actually bring in male players to practice with to up the physical , aggressive play .UNC actually plays a very physical, aggressive style. Duke also recruits very physical players , look at the size of the Duke team in general and their most recent YJ player has a reputation as being an extremely aggressive player.
You guys are like anti vaccination parents, no matter what someone says you will find an excuse. So find me an excuse for this, If the aggressive tendencies you so proudly tout as being a staple of the game continue, the powers that be will undoubtably change the rules to require helmets, and soon after , I am sure, gloves and pads will follow. That will lead to girls playing the boys game. Is that truly what you want? I am a parent that is very happy having daughters, I don't wish they were sons so they can play the game I played. But mark my words, if this aggressive, thuggish trend continues on all levels, the game we love will transform to something different