Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Let's be honest, in the absence of the Maryland teams from the "National Championship" in Colorado, last year's results was not a true representation of who is/was the best U15 team in the nation last year. YJ teams are good, no question, arguably one of the best depending on the year and the athletes, but without playing the teams that have beaten them in other tournaments it was like they were given a pass, and not really tested. Its a shame that that Maryland teams opted out. Anyone know why? Hopefully the Maryland teams will return to the tourney this year to make it a truly competitive event, last year, it clearly was not.

Ask yourself why they would saddle their parents with the expense and inconvenience of a Colorado/Florida tourney that few if any college coaches even attend? Club lacrosse is for being seen and being recruited, that's it. Clubs like M&D, Skywalkers, Hero's TLC and Capital seem to do a very good job of that without the U15. If they want to play top competition with no college coaches watching, they simply schedule "Playdays" where a subset of the above mentioned clubs get together for a day of games. a 10-20 mile drive and a half a day is all they have to commit to play some of the best teams in the country. They've got all summer and fall to bang heads with the club elite at multiple, well attended, mid-atlantic tounaments. Would guess that's why.

As a YJ parent, do you honestly think the U15 is worth the time and money you commit? I'm sure the club likes the free (for them) publicity however.

Skywalkers won the U-15 championship a few years ago so the MD elite have attended. I would go to support the growth of the game. Many of the other regions that cannot travel to MD, NJ, NY and MA from CA, TX, FL and other places on a regular basis use this event as a way to gain experience against the rest of the country and continue to grow the sport in their region. The somewhat underlying issue that others have voiced is several members of the grade based elite teams in MD could not play together since they are older and do not qualify as a complete team for this aged based event. This year the event is in Midlothian VA (just south of Richmond), a much easier trip from MD so show-up, support the game as something bigger than just how can I get my daughter recruited.

Really, you're helping them grow their sport...if that helps you get through the day. Were you in CO? Did you actually watch any of the games? This past year, YJ teams won their pool games by an average score of 19-2 (Steps 16-4 and Elevate 20-1). I'm sure humiliating the competition in these epic beat-downs is the US Lacrosse blueprint for helping "grow the sport". Why would anyone want to pay thousands of dollars and a week of their time for that?

YJ and Steps are legit top 5 2017 teams, elevate is borderline top 10. It's not like it's just one or two top clubs that don't show up. I watched M&D, Capital and Lady Roc all beat 2017 Blue this fall...not one of those showed and only one is from MD.

As for Richmond 2015, if any club decides to go to the U-15 and then skips either of the two IWLCA sponsored events held there this summer, their parents should revolt.

DELETED....This poster has been eliminated.

The U15 is not a competitive tournament and it's not getting any better. When the vast majority of top clubs choose to stay away year after year, the event is fundamentally flawed whether you accept it or not. Capital used to send a team, haven't in years. Skywalkers sent a team for a year or two, no longer. Steps sent a team last year but I don't think they are sending one in 2015 as they have both IWLCA Richmond events on their 2018 team's schedule.

Here's a thought: Would the U-15 be a better tournament overall if YJ didn't go? Wouldn't it immediately become more competitive?