Originally Posted by Anonymous
This is the most honest and realistic analyses of this problem I have seen.I also believe that the 'Cuse/ Gary Gait situation is a high level example of this analysis. Though I do believe there are dad/men coaches that can coach girls/woman. Even Gait admitted that prior to coaching 'Cuse he knew very little about the woman game. 'Cause will always contend, but I believe unless Gait alters his approach to better fit the woman game he will never win a championship.

You should write him a letter explaining that he should stop recruiting all those NY thugs if is ever to win a championship. If you people can't handle the physical play of summer ball, you should very seriously consider stepping away from the game before playing in college, it is physically brutal at the next level. [/quote]

You guys don't get it. No one has a problem with aggressive plays. We have a problem with cheating and dirty thug lacrosse.