Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Powderfinger
Originally Posted by Anonymous
there it is again. It's being a "crybaby" now. Your attitude is exactly the problem. I am not speaking about college lacrosse, or even high level high school lacrosse. I am speaking about 6,7,8th grade girls. And I am 100pct sure you are the same person on the sidelines screaming at the refs that they don't know what they are doing. And that, sadly, is true. There is a lack of qualified referees and they are spread way too thin at the large tournaments. So to say, let the refs handle it, does not work.

We have coaches in our program who have played at the highest levels of women's lacrosse. And I don't just mean D1, I mean D1 all-americans and D1 national championship captains and Women's National Team members. So I think they have played a very aggressive style of lacrosse. But they teach the girls from a young age the right way to play. And they bench them if they see play that is dangerous. They hold the girls to a very high standard of sportsmanship. And over time, as their skills get to where they can both play aggressively, and within the rules, they let them. They know where to draw the lines. You don't.

You confuse fast, aggressive and physical with cheap, dirty and dangerous. You guys have lost where the line is. No crying here. Just pointing out the truth. And no, M&D and Skywalkers do not play the same brand of lax that YJ and TG do. Sorry you are in a class all by yourselves.

No, we don't all confuse fast, aggressive play with dirty play. Dirty play is dirty, checks to the wrist, kicks (yes, seen it and from YJ) when the refs aren't looking. Don't try to say that is aggressive play, that is just dirty.

Maybe your daughters All-American coaches don't coach that way and lucky for you and kudos to them. But some coaches must because it permeates the team. You can recognize those players in school games because they're still playing that way.

IMHO, I really think this aggressive pushing into dirty play stems from coaching at the youth level. Most youth coaches, (i.e. PAL) at least on LI, are Dads who played lax in high school and/or college and have never watched a girls lacrosse game. They dont understand how the game should be or could be played. Instead they revert to tactics they know or were taught in boys lacrosse and try to apply them to the girls game. There is a certain respect to game, in terms of how the game should be played, if girls are taught at the younger age by women coaches.
If you talk to former players who now are coaches, the majority do not want to see helmets in the game thus there coaching techniques are going to emphasis the correct way to check and play defense.
I realize it is a generalization about Dad coaches but I definitely believe there is truth to the argument. I don't understand how you can coach a sport, especially at the youth level, without ever playing the game. Boys vs Girls lacrosse are completely different sports.
This is the most honest and realistic analyses of this problem I have seen.I also believe that the 'Cuse/ Gary Gait situation is a high level example of this analysis. Though I do believe there are dad/men coaches that can coach girls/woman. Even Gait admitted that prior to coaching 'Cuse he knew very little about the woman game. 'Cause will always contend, but I believe unless Gait alters his approach to better fit the woman game he will never win a championship.

9 years as an assistant on the Maryland women's team and he still "knew very little about the woman's game"? How could that possibly be? Was he just collecting a check?