I, ___________________________________, have been accepted to [Name of DIII Instiution], an NCAA Division III institution. In addition to my academic responsibilities, I intend to participate in the sport(s) of __________________________________.
Consistent with Division IIIs goal of fostering an environment where students can follow their passions and discover their potential, Division III student-athletes are encouraged to:
Division III student-athletes are encouraged to pursue their interests and passions beyond the classroom and field of play...to discover themselves.
Division III institutions provide an environment that encourages student-athletes to develop into well- rounded adults. Small class sizes, the ability to participate in more than one sport, and an emphasis on participating in activities outside of the classroom are all hallmarks of the Division III experience.
Division III institutions expect student-athletes to dedicate themselves to achieving their potential. Student-athletes must manage their busy schedules, keep up with class work and face the same challenges as the rest of the student-body.
The mission of [Name of DIII Instiution] is to prepare students for fulfilling lives, meaningful work and responsible citizenship.
This form commemorates my choice to attend [Name of DIII Instiution]. By signing this form, I embrace the Division III philosophy. I also understand my signature neither obligates me to attend the institution, noted above, and participate in athletics nor does it guarantee me a roster position.
Prospective Student-Athlete: ___________________________________ Date: __________________
Contributed By:
Tom Michaelsen
Resources: NCAA.com
About the Contributor:
Michaelsen was a HS All-American out of Bethpage NY and went on to play 4 years at the Division I level at St. Johns University and upon graduating with a Bachelors degree in Sports Management, he was drafted to play in the MLL and NLL - the 1st player ever to be drafted professionally from STJ.