Posted on February 20th, 2021
Please note that this is just a guide and the rule sets themselves should be consulted.
Players: 3v3 with no goalie
Field Size: 60-70 yards x 35-45 yards (cross eld)
Equipment: soft-type ball; eyewear allowable but not required
Goal Size: 3 feet by 3 feet
Play of Game: No Draw
Players: 4v4 with no goalie
Field Size: 60-70 yards x 35-45 yards (cross eld)
Equipment: soft-type ball; eyewear required
Goal Size: 3 feet by 3 feet
- Play of Game: No Draw
Players: 8v8 including a goalie
Field Size: 60-70 yards x 35-45 yards (cross eld)
Equipment: NOCSAE lacrosse ball; USL speci cations for sticks with modi ed pocket allowed; eyewear required
Goal Size: 6 feet by 6 feet (5x5 or 4x4 allowable)
Play of Game: Players must hold for possession on the draw
Goal Size: 6 feet by 6 feet
Equipment: NOCSAE lacrosse ball; USL speci cations for sticks and pockets; eyewear required
Field Size: 60-70 yards x 35-45 yards (cross eld) or 110-140 yards x 60-70 yards
Players: 8v8 or 12v12, depending on size of eld used
Players: 12v12 includes goalies
Field Size: 110-140 yards x 60-70 yards
Equipment: Traditional sticks and balls
- Play of Game: Players must hold for possession on the draw
a. Player’s sticks may touch the ground over the center circle and restraining line on the draw.
b. During the draw, both sticks must be parallel to and above the center line.
2018 Points of Emphasis
(Mainly applicable for 12U and 14U play)
The Rules Committee’s emphasis on illegal defensive positioning is a clarification of the process and understanding of these fouls. It is an effort to minimize injuries in the critical scoring area not to create more fouls. When a defender is in three seconds or the free space to goal, she illegally occupies a space to which she is not entitled. The illegal defender reduces opportunities for the offense to safely attack and is placing herself at risk of injury.
For Illegal Defensive Positioning to occur, the attack must create opportunity. First, the ball must be above the goal line extended and within the Critical Scoring Area. Second, the attacker must physically have the potential to shoot, and the path to goal must be clear of legal defenders. If opportunity to shoot does not exist, the call should not be made.
The safety of all players is a priority to the committee, and rough or dangerous play in the mid eld not only disrupts the ow of play, but also put players at signi cant risk for injury. Legal contact (incidental or deliberate) can occur between opponents during the normal course of play. However, contact that occurs that physically forces the opponent off of their position or path is illegal contact. Deliberate illegal contact (e.g. cross-checks or pushes) made to the body of any player in a defenseless position must be carded.
It is the responsibility of the defender to keep her stick out of the sphere and throat area of the ball carrier. Defenders who penetrate this space and throat area should be assessed a major foul. Repeated violations of this rule may be carded. This rule applies even when the ball carrier does not have her stick in a legal checking position. A check to the head or a check that causes the attacker’s stick to contact her head is a mandatory card.
US Lacrosse continues to encourage all coaches, players, of cials and administrators to conduct themselves in a professional manner before, during, and immediately following all contests. The rules committee reminds coaches and players to avoid the use of excessive dissent or abusive language and reminds coaches to stay in his or her coaching area. The committee encourages calm, patient and productive dialogue between coaches, players, and officials.
In the event situations or questions arise that are not directly addressed in the rule set, Rules 9, 10, and 12 from the 2018 NFHS rule book apply. For further clari cations, please contact
Philosophy of 6U Lacrosse
6U lacrosse is the age when many young athletes rst experience the sport of lacrosse. The children entering at this point often differ greatly in their physical and cognitive development. Consequently the game they play should be designed to “level the playing field” and provide opportunity for any child that wants to participate. The emphasis at this age level is on instilling a love and excitement of playing, while also developing the fundamental movement skills that will be valuable in future athletic endeavors.
The competition playing rules for 6U encourage multiple opportunities for each athlete to “touch” the ball, work with teammates and develop general physical literacy.
With respect to the competition at this level, coaches, parents, and of cials should emphasize:
- FUN - Following simple rules of play
- Good Sportsmanship
Player must be 5 years old or younger on August 31 of the year preceding competition. It is recommended that when multiple teams exist within a program, administrators should consider the physical size, skill, and maturity when organizing teams. At no time should players younger than 4 years of age be permitted to play at the 6U level. Ideally, players should be playing in single age year classifications.
No draw / players line up in their defensive end to start game
Coaches can be on the eld to assist and ‘of ciate’
No score is kept
One pass rule
After a goal, defense is given the ball for a clear
Must play 1v1 defense
At this level of play 1) illegal or dangerous contact as well as 2) unsportsmanlike conduct would be considered major fouls; the player would be taken brie y off the eld. No cards are used and the team does NOT play short.
RULE 1: The Playing Area and Goals
THE FIELD DIAGRAM (see for the FD)
The maximum playing eld shall be rectangular, 60 -70 yards max in length and 35 - 45 yards in width. An 8 meter arc and restraining line are not required for this level of play. The boundaries of the eld shall be marked with contrasting colored lines so that boundaries are easily identi able. All lines on the eld shall be between 2 - 4 inches in width. Note: Flat disc cones may be used to designate the playing area if eld lining is an issue.
The goal circle can be adjusted to a 6’ radius and may be painted on the eld or marked with at disc cones. A goal line marking is not required. A High School regulation 8.5 goal circle or pop up is also permissible.
1.3 - GOALS
A 3x3 foot goal with securely af xed netting is recommended. If other size goals are being used, material can be af xed to the goal to decrease the size. A range from 3x3 to 4x4 is the recommended goal. The goal shall be centered within the goal circle.
RULE 2: Equipment and Uniforms 2.1 - BALLS
It is recommended that a soft lacrosse ball, tennis ball or other soft athletic ball of similar or larger diameter be used. Standard lacrosse balls must not be used at this level.
Smaller sized lacrosse sticks shall be used at this level of play. Note: It is recommended that players use a lacrosse stick with traditional girl’s stringing when available. If they are using a standard stick that is cut down, best practices guide that the stick should be approximately the distance from the ground to the players waist. There are no requirements or limitations on pocket depth.
Players on each team will wear the same color shirt, but a different and contrasting color than the other team.
Eyewear is not required at this level of play but is allowable. Please see Appendix C for eyewear speci cations. Players must wear a mouthpiece.
RULE 3: Game Personnel 3.1 - NUMBER OF PLAYERS
3 players from each team on the field at a time. No goalkeepers shall be used and no players shall enter the goal circle to assume the position of a goalkeeper.
Each team may have one coach on the eld to instruct ALL players, and serve as an of cial.
Officials are not required for this level of play. However if officials are used, then only 1 certified official is necessary per field of play.
If officials are used in a game they shall assume all timing responsibilities. If of cials are not used then the coaches for each team shall designate a timekeeper.
Not applicable at this level of play since of cial score is not kept.
RULE 4: Time Factors and Scoring 4.1 - LENGTH OF THE GAME
A competition will consist of two (2) twelve-minute running time halves, with a four minute halftime period. Potential modifications could include 4 x 6 minute quarters.
There are no timeouts permitted and the clock shall only stop in the event of injury. Injured players must leave the eld until the next scheduled substitution and shall be replaced by another player.
Overtime shall not be played at this age group.
RULE 5: Play of the Game 5.1 - COIN TOSS
Prior to the start of competition the of cial will call one player from each team and conduct a coin toss. The winner of the coin toss will start the competition with possession of the ball at the Center Spot. The team that did not start the game with the ball will have the rst Alternating Possession and will start with possession in the second half.
The competition is played with each team placing three players on the field (3v3) to start the game. All players must be on their defensive side of the Center Spot. The team on defense will give a 4m cushion to all offensive players until the whistle is blown, at which time they are free to guard an offensive counterpart.
The official will remove the ball from the goal and give it to a player along the goal line outside of the goal circle. The ball is awarded to the team who was just scored upon and the remaining players will be moved 4m away.
Play shall be stopped when the ball goes out of bounds. The last team to touch the ball will lose possession of the ball and play will be restarted closest to the location the ball went out of bounds. NOTE: Out of bounds as a result of a shot on goal results in possession to the player closest to the ball.
Not applicable at this age level.
No player from either team may enter the goal circle at any time. If the ball is in the goal or goal circle, the official will blow the whistle and award the ball to the defensive team on the goal line extended outside of the goal circle. Additionally a player may not follow through into the goal circle on a shot.
Alternate possession should be used when a coach or of cial cannot determine who should be awarded the ball, if off-setting fouls occur or with contested ground ball fouls.
Best practices recommend a whole team substitution after a goal is scored or every 1-3 minutes during a stoppage of play.
RULE 6: Fouls At this level of play
1) Illegal or dangerous contact as well as 2) Unsportsmanlike conduct would be considered major fouls; in this instance, the player would be taken off the eld for a brief time period; no cards are used; and the team does NOT play short.
Other fouls will result in stoppage of play and change of possession. All restarts will require 4 meters of free space around the ball carrier. In the case of major fouls, the offending player shall be placed 4 meters behind.
A loose ball shall be contested by no more than 2 players. If a third player comes into the scrum, then the whistle will be blown and the ball will be awarded via alternate possession. Kicking of the ball is not permitted.
Players are not permitted to cover the ball under any circumstances with their stick or body. Penalty: Immediate stoppage of play and possession is awarded to the offended team.
No player may enter the goal circle at any time. Additionally a player may not follow through into the goal circle on a shot. Penalty: Immediate stoppage of play and possession is awarded to the offended team.
Teams must attempt one pass before going to goal. Coaches may agree to add an additional time restriction to encourage ball movement and limit holding the ball. Suggested option is to limit a player in possession of the ball to 5 seconds from when she rst possesses the ball to attempt a pass or shot. Penalty: Immediate stoppage of play and possession is awarded to the offended team.
6.5 - 1 V 1 DEFENSE
Players must be marking (within a stick’s length) 1 v 1 on defense or when her team does not have the ball. If a defensive player leaves her player to double the ball, the whistle should be blown and the offending player moved back to her mark. Penalty: Immediate stoppage of play and possession is awarded to the offended team, with all other players moved 4 meters away.
Player with the ball may not hold the ball for more than 3 seconds when
a) closely guarded b) the defense has both hands on their stick and c) the defense is in a position to legally check if checking were allowed.
Penalty: Immediate stoppage of play and possession is awarded to the offended team.
Players are responsible for not shooting at other players and a safe follow through on all shots. The stick cannot follow through into the goal circle. Penalty: Immediate stoppage of play and possession is awarded to the offended team.
Legal contact can occur between opponents during the normal process of play. However, contact that occurs that physically forces the opponent off of her position or path is illegal contact. Illegal stick to body contact (in a horizontal position) or any contact deemed dangerous should be called.
Players are expected to uphold the highest levels of sportsmanship at all times. Arguing, threatening, the use of profane language or obscene gestures by players or coach shall result in a penalty. Penalty: Unsportsmanlike Conduct foul is a major foul and will result in an immediate stoppage of play. The player shall be taken off the eld and substituted for. The ball is awarded to the offended team. At no time should either team be playing with less players than their opponent.
In the event situations or questions arise that are not directly addressed in the rule set, Rules 9, 10, and 12 from the 2018 NFHS rule book apply. For further clari cations, please contact
Philosophy of 8U Lacrosse
8U lacrosse is the age when many young athletes rst experience the sport of lacrosse. The children entering at this point often differ greatly in their physical and cognitive development. Consequently the game they play should be designed to “level the playing eld” and provide opportunity for any child that wants to participate. The emphasis at this age level is on instilling a love and excitement of playing, while also developing the fundamental movement skills that will be valuable in future athletic endeavors.
The competition playing rules for 8U encourage multiple opportunities for each athlete to “touch” the ball, work with teammates and develop general physical literacy.
With respect to the competition at this level, coaches, parents, and of cials should emphasize:
- FUN - Following simple rules of play
- Good Sportsmanship
Player must be 7 years old or younger on August 31 of the year preceding competition. It is recommended that when multiple teams exist within a program, administrators should consider the physical size, skill, and maturity when selecting teams. At no time should players younger than 6 years of age be permitted to play at the 8U level. Ideally, players should be playing in single age classifications.
No draw / players line up in their defensive end to start game
Coaches can be on the eld to assist and ‘of ciate’
No score is kept
One pass rule
After a goal, defense is given the ball for a clear
Must play 1v1 defense
At this level of play 1) illegal or dangerous contact as well as 2) unsportsmanlike conduct would be considered major fouls; the player would be taken brie y off the eld. No cards are used and the team does NOT play short.
RULE 1: The Playing Area and Goals
THE FIELD DIAGRAM (to see the FD, go to
The maximum playing eld shall be rectangular, 60 -70 yards max in length and 35 - 45 yards in width. An 8 meter arc and restraining line are not required for this level of play. The boundaries of the eld shall be marked with contrasting colored lines so that boundaries are easily identi able. All lines on the eld shall be between 2 - 4 inches in width. Note: Flat disc cones may be used to designate the playing area if eld lining is an issue.
The goal circle can be adjusted to a 6’ radius and may be painted on the eld or marked with at disc cones. A goal line marking is not required. A High School regulation 8.5 goal circles or pop up goal circle is also permissible.
1.3 - GOALS
A 3x3 foot goal with securely af xed netting is recommended. If other size goals are being used, material can be af xed to the goal to decrease the size. A range from 3x3 to 4x4 is the ideal. The goal shall be centered within the goal circle.
RULE 2: Equipment and Uniforms 2.1 - BALLS
It is recommended that a soft lacrosse ball, tennis ball or other soft athletic ball of similar or larger diameter be used. Standard lacrosse balls must not be used at this level.
Smaller sized lacrosse sticks shall be used at this level of play. Note: It is recommended that players use a lacrosse stick with traditional girl’s stringing when available. If they are using a standard stick that is cut down, best practices guide that the stick should be approximately the distance from the ground to the players waist. There are no requirements or limitations on pocket depth.
Players on each team will wear the same color shirt, but a different and contrasting color than the other team.
Eyewear and mouthpiece are required. Please see Appendix C for equipment specifications.
RULE 3: Game Personnel 3.1 - NUMBER OF PLAYERS
4 players from each team on the field at a time. No goalkeepers shall be used and no players shall enter the goal circle to assume the position of a goalkeeper.
Each team may have one coach roaming the eld to instruct ALL players, and serve as an of cial.
Of cials are not required for this level of play. However if of cials are used, then only 1 certi ed of cial is necessary per eld of play.
If of cials are used in a game they shall assume all timing responsibilities. If of cials are not used then the coaches for each team shall designate a timekeeper.
Not applicable at this level of play since of cial score is not kept.
RULE 4: Time Factors and Scoring 4.1 - LENGTH OF THE GAME
A competition will consist of two (2) twelve-minute running time halves, with a four minute halftime period. Potential modifications could include 4 x 6 minute quarters.
There are no timeouts permitted and the clock shall only stop in the event of injury. Injured players must leave the field until the next scheduled substitution and shall be replaced by another player.
Overtime shall not be played at this age group.
RULE 5: Play of the Game
Prior to the start of competition the of cial will call one player from each team and conduct a coin toss. The winner of the coin toss will start the competition with possession of the ball at the Center Spot. The team that did not start the game with the ball will have the rst Alternating Possession and will start with possession in the second half.
The competition is played with each team placing four players on the eld (4v4) to start the game. All players must be on their defensive side of the Center Spot. The team on defense will give a 4m cushion to all offensive players until the whistle is blown, at which time they are free to guard an offensive counterpart.
The offcial will remove the ball from the goal and give it to a player along the goal line to the side of the goal circle. The ball is awarded to the team who was just scored upon and the remaining players will be moved 4m away.
Play shall be stopped when the ball goes out of bounds. The last team to touch the ball will lose possession of the ball and play will be restarted closest to the location the ball went out of bounds. NOTE: Out of bounds as a result of a shot on goal results in possession to the player closest to the ball.
Not applicable at this age level.
No player may enter the goal circle at any time. Additionally a player may not follow through into the goal circle on a shot. Penalty: Immediate stoppage of play and possession is awarded to the offended team.
Alternate possession should be used when a coach or of cial cannot determine who should be awarded the ball, if off-setting fouls occur or with contested ground ball fouls.
Best practices recommend whole team substitutions after a goal is scored or every 1-3 minutes during a stoppage of play.
RULE 6: Fouls At this level of play
1) Illegal or dangerous contact as well as 2) Unsportsmanlike conduct would be considered major fouls, where the player would be taken off the eld for a brief time period - no cards are used and the team does NOT play short.
Other fouls will result in stoppage of play and change of possession. All restarts will require 4 meters of free space around the ball carrier. In the case of major fouls, the offending player shall be placed 4 meters behind.
A loose ball shall be contested by no more than 2 players. If a third player comes into the scrum, then the whistle will be blown and the ball will be awarded via alternate possession. Kicking of the ball is not permitted.
Players are not permitted to cover the ball under any circumstances with their stick or body. Penalty: Immediate stoppage of play and possession is awarded to the offended team.
No player may enter the goal circle at any time. Additionally a player may not follow through into the goal circle on a shot. Penalty: Immediate stoppage of play and possession is awarded to the offended team.
Teams must attempt one pass before going to goal. Coaches may agree to add an additional time restriction to encourage ball movement and limit holding the ball. Suggested option is to limit a player in possession of the ball to 5 seconds from when she rst possesses the ball to attempt a pass or shot. Penalty: Immediate stoppage of play and possession is awarded to the offended team.
6.5 - 1 V 1 DEFENSE
Players must be marking (within a stick’s length) 1 v 1 on defense or when her team does not have the ball. If a defensive player leaves her player to double the ball, the whistle should be blown and the offending player moved back to her mark. Penalty: Immediate stoppage of play and possession is awarded to the offended team, with all other players moved 4 meters away.
Player with the ball may not hold the ball for more than 3 seconds when
a) closely guarded b) the defense has both hands on their stick c) the defense is in a position to legally check if checking were allowed.
Penalty: Immediate stoppage of play and possession is awarded to the offended team.
Players are responsible for not shooting at other players and a safe follow through on all shots. The stick cannot follow through into the goal circle. Penalty: Immediate stoppage of play and possession is awarded to the offended team.
Legal contact can occur between opponents during the normal process of play. However, contact that occurs that physically forces the opponent off of her position or path is illegal contact. Illegal stick to body contact (in a horizontal position) or any contact deemed dangerous should be called.
Players are expected to uphold the highest levels of sportsmanship at all times. Arguing, threatening, the use of profane language or obscene gestures by players or coach shall result in a penalty. Penalty: Unsportsmanlike Conduct foul is a major foul and will result in an immediate stoppage of play. The player shall be taken off the eld and substituted for. The ball is awarded to the offended team. At no time should either team be playing with fewer players than their opponent.
In the event situations or questions arise that are not directly addressed in the rule set, Rules 9, 10, and 12 from the 2018 NFHS rule book apply. For further clari cations, please contact
Philosophy of 10U Lacrosse
10U lacrosse is where young athletes begin developing fundamental technical skills in lacrosse. The game they play should be designed to develop a combination of athletic movements, skills, and fundamental technical skills for playing lacrosse. The emphasis at this age level is still on instilling a love and excitement of playing.
The competition playing rules for 10U encourage multiple opportunities for each athlete to “touch” the ball, work with teammates, develop general physical literacy and a progressive development of existing technical skills.
With respect to the competition at this level, coaches, parents, and officials should emphasize:
- FUN - Good Sportsmanship - Trying new skills in a team setting - Learning and exploring overall play of the game
Age and Eligibility
Player must be 9 years old or younger on August 31 of the year preceding competition. It is recommended that when multiple teams exist within a program, administrators should consider the physical size, skill, and maturity when selecting teams. At no time should players younger than 8 years of age be permitted to play at the 10U level. Ideally, players should be playing in single age classifications.
8v8 includes goalies, (cross field)
Traditional stick and balls, modified pocket is allowed
Officials are required
- Score can be kept
At the draw players line up in both offensive and defensive end, traditional line up
Introduction of the 8 meter arc and restraining line at mid eld
After a goal, the goalkeeper clears
No checking and 3 seconds closely guarded applies
Must play 1v1 defense
There is no longer a pass rule
Significant changes introduced at the 10U level include introduction of the goalkeeper and cards for penalty administration. The restraining line, 8m arc are now included and this corresponds with the introduction of 8m rules - shooting space and 3 second defense. As a consequence of these changes, fouls are delineated major, minor and cardable. There is the introduction of pocket requirements though a modi ed pocket is allowed and the pass rule is eliminated at this age.
RULE 1: The Playing Area and Goals
THE FIELD DIAGRAM (see to see the FD)
The playing field shall be rectangular, 60 -70 yards max in length and 35 - 45 yards in width. NOTE that the 8 meter arc and a restraining line must be included at this age. The boundaries of the field shall be marked with contrasting colored lines so that boundaries are easily identi able. All lines on the eld shall be between 2 - 4 inches in width.
The goal circle shall have an 8.5 radius and may be painted on the eld or marked with at disc cones.
1.3 - GOALS
A regulation 6x6 foot goal with securely af xed netting is allowable. If other size goals are being used, material can be af xed to the goal to decrease the size. A range from 4x4 to 5x5 would be ideal. The goal shall be centered within the goal circle.
RULE 2: Equipment and Uniforms
2.1 - BALLS
Ball must meet NOCSAE speci cations.
Regulation for existing USL speci cations for lacrosse sticks, with a modi ed pocket allowed. No more than 1/2 of the ball can be seen below the sidewall. Please see Appendix C for more details on equipment speci cations on stick and pockets.
Players on each team will wear the same color shirt, but a different and contrasting color than the other team. Each shirt shall have a visible number. Eyewear and mouthpiece are required. Please see Appendix C for equipment speci cations.
The goalkeeper must wear a helmet with face mask and properly secured chinstrap, a separate throat protector, padded gloves, a mouthpiece, a chest protector, a pelvic protector and padding on the shins and thighs.
The protective helmet, designed for lacrosse, must meet the NOCSAE test standard. Please see Appendix C for speci cations and guidelines for goalkeeper equipment.
RULE 3: Game Personnel
8 players (7 Field and 1 goalkeeper) from each team on the eld at a time. If one team is unable to eld a goalie both teams must play with a non- goalie format.
The coach must remain on the sideline in the coaches’ box and team area.
Officials are required for this level of play. 1 certi ed of cial is necessary per field of play, two are recommended.
Officials assume all timing responsibilities or designate a timekeeper.
Local level decision. Post season playoffs and championships are not recommended.
RULE 4: Time Factors and Scoring 4.1 - LENGTH OF THE GAME
A competition will consist of two (2) eighteen-minute running time halves, with a ve minute halftime period.
There are no timeouts permitted and the clock shall only stop in the event of injury. Injured players must leave the eld until the next scheduled substitution and shall be replaced by another player.
Overtime shall not be played at this age group.
RULE 5: Play of the Game 5.1 - COIN TOSS
Prior to the start of competition the official will call one player from each team and conduct a coin toss. The winner of the coin toss can choose direction of play or have the rst Alternating Possession.
The competition is started with each team placing 7 field players on the eld to start the game. 3 players will be placed on the 8m offensive end and 3 players on the 8 meter defensive end. The 7th eld player will be at the center to take the draw. Players must hold in the 8 meter until the of cial has signaled that possession has been attained.
Goalkeeper free clear - opposing team moves above 8m. Without a goalkeeper, the of cial will remove the ball from the goal and give it to a defensive player along the goal line to the side of the goal. The ball is awarded to the team who was just scored upon and the remaining players will be moved 4m away.
Play shall be stopped when the ball goes out of bounds. The last team to touch the ball will lose possession of the ball and play will be restarted closest to the location the ball went out of bounds. NOTE: Out of bounds as a result of a shot on goal results in possession to the player closest to the ball.
Restraining line is introduced at this age level. 2 players must stay back behind the mid eld line. A team is considered offside when they have more than 5 players in their offensive end or more than 6 in their defensive end including the goalie.
No player other than the goalkeeper may enter the goal circle at any time. Additionally a player may not follow through into the goal circle on a shot. Penalty: Immediate stoppage of play and possession is awarded to the offended team.
Alternate possession should be used when a coach or of cial cannot determine who should be awarded the ball, if off-setting fouls occur or with contested ground ball fouls.
Coaches should emphasize regular substitutions focusing on player development in multiple positions on the eld. It is recommended that substitutions occur on a stoppage of play, whistle or goal but substitutions can occur during play.
RULE 6: Fouls
At this level of play fouls fall into 3 categories :
1) Minor (misplay, procedural), penalty administration is 4 meters away from the ball and the ball is no closer than 12 meters to the goal circle.
2) Major (safety), penalty administration is 4 meters behind and the ball is no closer than 8 meters to the goal circle
3) Cardable/Misconduct (excessive), penalty administration is a card. Ball is no closer than 8 meters to the goal circle. While cards are administered at 10U and the player will serve a speci c time penalty, the team does NOT play short.
CARDS: A player will serve 2 minutes for a yellow card and serve the duration of the game for a red card. The cards are non-releasable.
A loose ball shall be contested by no more than 2 players. If a third player comes into the scrum, then the whistle will be blown and the ball will be awarded via alternate possession. Kicking the ball is not permitted.
Players are not permitted to cover the ball under any circumstances with their stick or body.
The minimum pass rule is eliminated at this level of play. However, coaches may agree to add an additional time restriction to encourage ball movement and limit holding the ball. Suggested option is to limit a player in possession of the ball to 5 seconds from when she rst possesses the ball to attempt a pass or shot.
6.4 - 1 V 1 DEFENSE
1 v 1 defense is still enforced in the mid eld area at this level of play. With the introduction of the 8 meter arc, more than one player can defend the ball in the critical scoring area. Shooting space and 3 second defense rules are now also introduced.
Player with the ball may not hold the ball for more than 3 seconds when a) closely guarded b) the defense has both hands on their stick and c) the defense is in a position to legally check if checking were allowed.
The goalkeeper must not: a) Allow the ball to remain in the goal circle longer than 10 seconds.
b) Step back into the goal circle when she has possession of the ball. She or a teammate may not return the ball to the goal circle, (carrying or rolling) until the ball has been played by a player.
Restraining line is introduced at this age level. 3 players must remain behind midline when ball in offensive end (includes the goalkeeper), 2 players behind when ball is in defensive end.
Defenders cannot remain inside the 8 meter arc unless marking an opponent within a stick’s length. More than one player can be marking the ball carrier in the arc. However,more than one defender can mark the ball carrier in the 8 meter as long as they are within a stick’s length.
Defenders cannot obstruct the free space to goal if not marking an opponent or playing the ball carrier within a stick’s length.
No player other than the properly equipped goalkeeper may enter the goal circle at any time. Offensive players may not follow through into the goal circle on a shot.
6.11 - CONTACT
Legal contact can occur between opponents during the normal process of play. However, contact that occurs that physically forces the opponent off of her position or path is illegal contact. Illegal stick to body contact (in a horizontal position) or any contact deemed dangerous should be called.
Players are responsible for not shooting at other players and a safe follow through on all shots. The stick cannot follow through into the goal circle. Dangerous Propel and Dangerous Follow Through are mandatory cards.
Dangerous Shot: shoot dangerously or without control at the goalkeeper. 1. A dangerous shot is judged on the basis of the combination of distance, force and placement. 2. A shot should not be directed at the goalkeeper’s body, especially her head or neck. 3. A dangerous shot does not apply if goalkeeper has time to react or moves into the ball.
Players are expected to uphold the highest levels of sportsmanship at all times. Arguing, threatening, the use of profane language or obscene gestures by players or coach shall result in a penalty.
In the event situations or questions arise that are not directly addressed in the rule set, Rules 9, 10, and 12 from the 2018 NFHS rule book apply. For further clari cations, please contact
Philosophy of 12U Lacrosse
12U lacrosse is where young athletes are honing their technical skills and begin building the tactical skills needed in lacrosse. The game they play should be reinforcing fundamental technical skills and practical tactical applications for playing lacrosse.
With respect to the competition at this level, coaches, parents, and officials should emphasize:
- Fun - Using technical skills in game situation - Exploring and applying new tactical skills
- Sportsmanship
Player must be 11 years old or younger on August 31 of the year preceding competition. It is recommended that when multiple teams exist within a program, administrators should consider the physical size, skill, and maturity when selecting teams. At no time should players younger than 10 years of age be permitted to play at the 12U level. Ideally, players should be playing in single age classifications.
At the draw players line up in both offensive and defensive end, traditional line up
Draws after goals: Mercy rule should be applied at 4-goal differential unless waived by the losing team coach.
Modified checking is allowed and 3 seconds closely guarded applies
Significant changes at the 12U level include the option for full field play; modified checking is introduced and a team serving a card now plays short.
Significant consistencies with the younger level: 3 seconds closely guarded still applies. There is the option for small sided play.
RULE 1: The Playing Area and Goals
THE FIELD DIAGRAM (visit to view TFD)
The playing eld shall be rectangular, 110-140 yards max in length and 60 - 70 yards in width. The boundaries of the field shall be marked with contrasting colored lines so that boundaries are easily identifiable. All lines on the eld shall be between 2 - 4 inches in width. NOTE that the 8 meter arc, 12 meter fan and a restraining line are included at this age. If they are playing 8v8 the cross field dimensions for U10 would be used.
NOTE: There are additional approved eld dimensions speci c to age groups, please refer to Appendix I.
The goal circle shall have an 8.5 radius and may be painted on the eld or marked with at disc cones.
1.3 - GOALS
6 x 6 is the regulation goal for this age group.
RULE 2: Equipment and Uniforms 2.1 - BALLS
Ball must meet NOCSAE specifications
Existing USL specifications for lacrosse sticks and pocket requirements. See Appendix C for further equipment specifications.
Players on each team will wear the same color shirt, but a different and contrasting color than the other team. Each shirt shall have a visible number. Eyewear and mouthpiece are required. Please see Appendix C for equipment speci cations.
The goalkeeper must wear a helmet with face mask and properly secured chinstrap, a separate throat protector, padded gloves, a mouthpiece, a chest protector, pelvic protector and padding on the shins and thighs.
The protective helmet, designed for lacrosse, must meet the NOCSAE test standard. Please see Appendix C for speci cations and guidelines for goalkeeper equipment.
RULE 3: Game Personnel 3.1 - NUMBER OF PLAYERS
8 v 8 or 12 v 12 players (7 or 11 Field and 1 goalkeeper) from each team on the eld at a time.
Coaches must remain on the sideline in the coaches’ box and team area.
Officials are required for this level of play. USL recommends 2 certi ed of cials on the eld for competition if it is in a 12 v 12 format.
A staffed table for score and timekeeper
Scores are to be kept at this level of play.
RULE 4: Time Factors and Scoring 4.1- LENGTH OF THE GAME
A competition will consist of two (2) twenty-minute running time halves, with a ve minute halftime period.
Teams will have one (1) two minute timeout per game. The clock may also be stopped in the event of injury. Injured players must leave the field until the next scheduled substitution and shall be replaced by another player.
Two (2) three minute overtimes. Sudden Victory
RULE 5: Play of the Game
Prior to the start of competition the of cial will call one player from each team and conduct a coin toss. The winner of the coin toss can choose direction of play or have the rst Alternating Possession.
The competition is started with each team placing 7 or 11 eld players on the eld to start the game with each team fielding a goalkeeper. If one of the teams is unable to field a goalkeeper, both teams must play without a goalkeeper and adhere to those rule guidelines. For full field play, 3 field players from each team will be positioned around the draw circle to take the draw. For modified numbers / cross- field play, 3 players from each team are positioned on the 8m, offensive and defensive ends. The 7th eld player from each team takes the draw at the center spot. Players must hold in the 8 meter or behind the restraining line until the official has signaled that possession has been attained.
After a goal is scored, the competition will restart with a 3v3 draw at the center. The Mercy Rule: if a team is winning by four or more goals, the trailing team can elect to take an indirect free position at the draw center.
Play shall be stopped when the ball goes out of bounds. The last team to touch the ball will lose possession of the ball and play will be restarted closest to the location the ball went out of bounds. NOTE: Out of bounds as a result of a shot on goal results in possession to the player closest to the ball
2 or 4 players must stay back behind the restraining line when the team is on defense. 3 or 5 players must stay behind the restraining line when the team is offense (this includes the goalkeeper.) Note the restraining line is the mid eld line for 8v8 modified field play.
No player other than the goalkeeper may enter the goal circle at any time. Additionally a player may not follow through into the goal circle on a shot.
Alternate possession should be used when a coach or of cial cannot determine who should be awarded the ball or if off-setting fouls occur.
Coaches should emphasize regular substitutions focusing on player development in multiple positions on the eld. Substitutions can occur after goals or during play.
RULE 6: Fouls At this level of play fouls fall into 3 categories :
1) Minor (misplay, procedural), penalty administration is 4 meters away from the ball and the ball is no closer than 12 meters to the goal circle
2) Major (safety), penalty administration is 4 meters behind and the ball is no closer than 8 meters to the goal circle.
3) Cardable/Misconduct (excessive), penalty administration is a card. Ball is no closer than 8 meters to the goal circle. For a card, the player will serve a speci c time penalty AND the team will play short.
CARDS: A player will serve 2 minutes for a yellow card and serve the duration of the game for a red card. The cards are non-releasable.
There are no restrictions at this age for number of players contesting a ground ball. In addition, players may use a kicking motion to move a ball into free space as long as it does not pose danger to other players and it is not a shot on goal.
Players are not permitted to cover the ball with their stick or body when an opponent is within playing distance.
6.3 - MINIMUM PASS RULE - None 6.4 - 1 V 1 DEFENSE - No longer applies.
Player with the ball may not hold the ball for more than 3 seconds when a) closely guarded b) the defense has both hands on their stick c) the defense is in a position to legally check if checking were allowed.
The goalkeeper must not: a) Allow the ball to remain in the goal circle longer than 10 seconds.
b) Step back into the goal circle when she has possession of the ball.
She or a teammate may not return the ball to the goal circle, (carrying or rolling) until the ball has been played.
For full field, 5 players behind line when ball is in offensive end,4 players behind when ball is in defensive end. For cross- eld, 3 players behind mid eld line when ball is in offensive end, 2 players behind when ball is in defensive end.
Defenders cannot remain inside the 8m arc unless marking an opponent within a stick’s length. More than one defender can mark the ball carrier in the 8m. However, more than one defender can mark the ball carrier in the 8 meter as long as they are within a stick’s length.
Defenders cannot obstruct the free space to goal if not marking an opponent or playing the ball carrier within a stick’s length.
No player other than the properly equipped goalkeeper may enter the goal circle at any time. Offensive players may not follow through into the goal circle on a shot.
6.11 - CONTACT
Legal contact can occur between opponents during the normal process of play. However, contact that occurs that physically forces the opponent off of her position or path is illegal contact. Illegal stick to body contact (in a horizontal position) or any contact deemed dangerous should be called.
Modi ed Checking below the shoulder is permitted. Any check above the shoulder or into the sphere or forcing the opponents stick into the sphere constitutes an illegal check. Check to the head and a slash are mandatory cards.
Players are responsible for not shooting at or into other players and to maintain a safe follow through on all shots. Dangerous Propel and Dangerous Follow Through are mandatory cards.
Dangerous Shot: shoot dangerously or without control at the goalkeeper. 1. A dangerous shot is judged on the basis of the combination of distance, force and placement. 2. A shot should not be directed at the goalkeeper’s body, especially her head or neck. 3. A dangerous shot does not apply if goalkeeper has time to react or moves into the ball.
Players are expected to uphold the highest levels of sportsmanship at all times. Arguing, threatening, the use of profane language or obscene gestures by players or coach shall result in a penalty.
In the event situations or questions arise that are not directly addressed in the rule set, Rules 9, 10, and 12 from the 2018 NFHS rule book apply. For further clari cations, please contact
Philosophy of 14U Lacrosse
14U lacrosse is where young athletes begin emerging into a competitive environment. The game they play should be reinforcing fundamental technical skills and practical tactical applications for playing lacrosse. Essentially they are preparing to be competitors.
With respect to the competition at this level, coaches, parents, and of cials should emphasize:
- Fun - Using technical skills in game situation - Exploring and applying new tactical skills
- Sportsmanship
Age and Eligibility
Player must be 13 years old or younger on August 31 of the year preceding competition. It is recommended that when multiple teams exist within a program, administrators should consider the physical size, skill, and maturity when selecting teams. At no time should players younger than 12 years of age be permitted to play at the 14U level. Ideally, players should be playing in single age classi cations.
Significant change from the 12U is the full field format. Significant consistency with the younger level is the continuation of modified checking
RULE 1: The Playing Area and Goals
THE FIELD DIAGRAM (go to to view TFD)
The playing field shall be rectangular, 110-140 yards max in length and 60 -70 yards in width. The boundaries of the eld shall be marked with contrasting colored lines so that boundaries are easily identi able. All lines on the eld shall be between 2-4 inches in width. Note: the 8 meter arc, 12 meter fan and a restraining line are included at this age.
The goal circle shall have an 8.5 radius and may be painted on led or marked with at disc cones.
1.3 - GOALS
6 x 6 is the regulation goal for this age group.
RULE 2: Equipment and Uniforms 2.1 - BALLS
Ball must meet NOCSAE specifications.
Existing USL specifications for lacrosse sticks. See Appendix C for more detailed equipment specifications.
Players on each team will wear the same color shirt, but a different and contrasting color than the other team. Each shirt shall have a visible number. Eyewear and mouthpiece are required. Please see Appendix C for equipment specifications.
The goalkeeper must wear a helmet with face mask and properly secured chinstrap, a separate throat protector, padded gloves, a mouthpiece, a chest protector, pelvic protector and padding on the shins and thighs.
The protective helmet, designed for lacrosse, must meet the NOCSAE test standard. Please see Appendix C for specifications and guidelines for goalkeeper equipment.
RULE 3: Game Personnel 3.1 - NUMBER OF PLAYERS
12 v 12 players (11 Field and 1 goalkeeper) from each team on the eld at a time.
The coach must remain on the sideline in the coaches’ box and team area.
Officials are required for this level of play. USL recommends 2 certi ed of cials on the eld for competition.
A staffed table for score and timekeeper.
Scores are kept at this level.
RULE 4: Time Factors and Scoring 4.1 - LENGTH OF THE GAME
A competition will consist of two (2) twenty ve-minute running time halves, with a ve minute halftime period. Team may choose to use stopped clock for the last two minutes of each half.
Teams will have one (1) two minute timeout per game. The clock shall only stop in the event of injury. Injured players must leave the eld until the next scheduled substitution and shall be replaced by another player.
Two (2) three minute overtimes. Sudden Victory.
RULE 5: Play of the Game 5.1 - COIN TOSS
Prior to the start of competition the of cial will call one player from each team and conduct a coin toss. The winner of the coin toss can choose direction of play or have the rst Alternating Possession.
The competition is started with each team placing 11 field players and a goalkeeper on the eld to start the game. 3 field players from each team will be positioned around the draw circle for the draw. The players behind the restraining lines must hold until the official has signaled that possession has been attained.
After a goal is scored, the competition will restart with a 3v3 draw at the center. The Mercy Rule: if a team is winning by four or more goals, the trailing team can elect to take an indirect free position at the draw center
Play shall be stopped when the ball goes out of bounds. The last team to touch the ball will lose possession of the ball and play will be restarted closest to the location the ball went out of bounds. NOTE: Out of bounds as a result of a shot on goal results in possession to the player closest to the ball.
5 players behind line when ball in offensive end, 4 players behind when ball is in defensive end.
No player other than the goalkeeper may enter the goal circle at any time. Additionally a player may not follow through into the goal circle on a shot.
Alternate possession should be used when an of cial cannot determine who should be awarded the ball or if off-setting fouls occur.
Coaches should emphasize regular substitutions focusing on player development in multiple positions on the eld. Substitutions can occur after goals or during play.
RULE 6: Fouls At this level of play fouls fall into 3 categories :
1) Minor (misplay, procedural), penalty administration is 4 meters away from the ball and the ball is no closer than 12 meters to the goal circle
2) Major (safety), penalty administration is 4 meters behind and the ball is no closer than 8 meters to the goal circle.
3) Cardable/Misconduct (excessive), penalty administration is a card. Ball is no closer than 8 meters to the goal circle. For a card, the player will serve a speci c time penalty AND the team will play short.
CARDS: A player will serve 2 minutes for a yellow card and serve the duration of the game for a red card. The cards are non-releasable.
USL/NFHS rules for ground ball play at this level.
Players are not permitted to cover the ball with their stick or body when an opponent is within playing distance.
6.3 - MINIMUM PASS RULE - None 6.4 - 1 V 1 DEFENSE - No longer applies.
Player with the ball may not hold the ball for more than 3 seconds when a) closely guarded b) the defense has both hands on their stick c) the defense is in a position to legally check if checking were allowed.
The goalkeeper must not: a) Allow the ball to remain in the goal circle longer than 10 seconds.
b) Step back into the goal circle when she has possession of the ball.
She or a teammate may not return the ball to the goal circle, (carrying or rolling) until the ball has been played by another player from the opposing team.
5 players behind line when ball in offensive end, 4 players behind when ball is in defensive end.
Defenders cannot remain inside the 8m arc unless marking an opponent within a stick’s length. More than one defender can mark the ball carrier in the 8m. However, more than one defender can mark the ball carrier in the 8 meter as long as they are within a stick’s length.
Defenders cannot obstruct the free space to goal if not marking an opponent or playing the ball carrier within a stick’s length.
No player other than the properly equipped goalkeeper may enter the goal circle at any time. Offensive players may not follow through into the goal circle on a shot.
6.11 - CONTACT
Legal contact can occur between opponents during the normal process of play. However, contact that occurs that physically forces the opponent off of her position or path is illegal contact. Illegal stick to body contact (in a horizontal position) or any contact deemed dangerous should be called.
Modi ed checking below the shoulder is allowed. Any check above the shoulder or into the sphere or forcing the opponents stick into the sphere constitutes an illegal check. Check to the Head and a Slash are mandatory cards.
Players are responsible for not shooting at or into other players and to maintain a safe follow through on all shots. Dangerous Propel and Dangerous Follow Through are mandatory cards.
Dangerous Shot: shoot dangerously or without control at the goalkeeper. 1. A dangerous shot is judged on the basis of the combination of distance, force and placement. 2. A shot should not be directed at the goalkeeper’s body, especially her head or neck. 3. A dangerous shot does not apply if goalkeeper has time to react or moves into the ball.
Players are expected to uphold the highest levels of sportsmanship at all times. Arguing, threatening, the use of profane language, or obscene gestures by players or coach shall result in a penalty.
Appendix A
ATTEMPTED PASS occurs when a player attempts to pass using the mechanics of a throwing motion in the speci c direction of a teammate.
BLOCKING takes place when a player moves into the path of a player with the ball without giving that player a chance to stop or change direction causing contact. When a player is running to receive the ball, a “blind side” defense player must give her enough time and/or space to change her direction.
BODY CHECKING is a technique whereby a defender moves with an opponent without body contact occurring, following each movement of the opponent’s body and crosse with her body and causing her to slow down, change direction, or pass off.
CHARGING takes place when the player with the ball pushes into, shoulders, or backs into and makes bodily contact with her opponent who has already established her position (though not necessarily stationary).
CHECKING is an attempt to dislodge the ball from an opponent’s crosse by using controlled crosse to crosse contact.
CLEAR is any action taken by a player within the goal circle to pass or carry the ball with her crosse out of the goal circle.
CLEAR SPACE indicates the space between players which is free of crosses or any parts of the body.
COACHING AREA is the area on the bench/table side of the eld extending from the substitution area to their end line, and even with the level of the scorer’s table extended (at least 4 meters from the sideline), and does not include the area directly behind the scorer’s table.
CRITICAL SCORING AREA indicates an area at the end of the eld where the attacking team is shooting for goal. Its boundaries are 12 meters (13.1 yards) in front of the goal circle to the end line and 12 meters (13.1 yards) to each side of the goal circle. No extra lines will be marked on the eld and this will be called in the judgment of the official.
CROSS-CHECK uses the shaft of the crosse to hit, push or displace an opponent.
DANGEROUS PLAY are actions that are rough, threatening and/or are without regard to player safety. May be carded.
DIRECTLY BEHIND THE GOAL CIRCLE is the area between two lines extending perpendicular and back from the goal lines extended, tangent to the goal circle.
8-METER ARC is the area in front of each goal circle inscribed by two lines drawn at 45-degree angles extending from the intersection of the goal circle and the goal line (extended); connected by an arc marked 8 meters from the goal circle.
EJECTED PLAYER is a player who has received a Red card and is disquali ed from the game and shall be ineligible to play in her team’s next game.
FIELD PLAYER is any player other than the goalkeeper. It is a player whose responsibility encompasses an area outside the goal circle and to whom no special privileges have been awarded according to the rules.
FREE POSITION is the penalty awarded for any foul. The player taking the free position may run, pass or shoot. A major defensive foul within the 8 meter will result in an offensive free position on a 8 meter hash. This player may go to goal.
is a path to goal within the critical scoring area as de ned by two lines extending from the ball to the outside of the goal circle. No defense player will be penalized if positioned below the extension of the goal line.
GOAL CIRCLE is the circle around the goal to protect the goalkeeper. No player’s stick or body may break the plane of the goal circle.
GREEN CARD is recorded in the scorebook against the offending team, indicating a team caution for delay of game and that the next team offense results in a green/yellow card to the offending player.
GROUNDED refers to any part of the goalkeeper’s body touching the ground outside the goal circle while she attempts to play the ball from inside the goal circle.
HELD WHISTLE is when the of cial refrains from enforcing a rule when a player is fouled and maintains quality possession and calling the foul would disadvantage the non-offending team.
ILLEGAL PLAYER is an extra player, suspended player, ejected player or a player not listed or incorrectly listed on the roster and/or in the scorebook at the start of the game.
ILLEGAL PROCEDURE refers to fouls that are procedural in nature, i.e. False Start; Illegal Substitution; Too Many players; etc.)
INDIRECT FREE POSITION is the penalty awarded for a minor eld foul by the defense inside the 12-meter fan. The player taking the free position may run or pass but may not shoot until another player has played the ball.
LOWER SIDE OF CROSSE refers to the wood on a wooden crosse and to the right side of a plastic crosse as one looks at the crosse with the pocket facing the player.
MARKING is guarding an opponent within a stick’s length.
MODIFIED CHECK is an attempt to dislodge the ball from an opponent’s crosse in which the checking crosse movement solely occurs below the shoulder of the player with the ball. The check must be down and away from the body.
OFFSETTING is when a player from each team commits a foul (major and/or minor) during the same play, or when the attacking team commits a foul during a slow whistle situation.
OFFSIDE refers to a team with more players over the restraining line than is allowed by the rules.
PENALTY AREA is the area directly in front of the scorers/timer’s table and at the rear of the substitution area where any player who has been carded will sit or kneel while serving their penalty time.
PENALTY LANE is the path to the goal that is cleared when a free position is awarded to the attacking team inside the critical scoring area in an area in front of the goal line. The path is de ned by the imaginary parallel lines that extend rom the width of the goal circle. All other players must clear this lane when a free position is awarded in front of the goal.
PICK is a technique in which a player without the ball, who by her positioning, forces the opponent to take another route. To be legal it must be set within the visual eld of the opponent allowing enough time and space to stop or change direction. It may be moving or stationary.
PLAYED refers to an action whereby the ball leaves the player’s crosse and is touched by another player, or her crosse is checked crosse to crosse by an opposing player, or play is stopped due to a foul by her opponent. The ball does not have to be successfully dislodged from the crosse.
PLAYER POSSESSION is when the ball is in her crosse and she can perform any of the normal functions of control such as cradle, carry, pass or shoot.
RED CARD is given to an offending player, coach or any team personnel, who is immediately ejected from the game. Anyone who has received a red card shall be prohibited from participating in the team’s next game.
RESTRAINING LINE in full eld play is a solid line at each end of the eld 30 yards up eld from the goal line which extends fully from one side of the eld to the other side. The restraining line in cross eld play at 10U and 12U is at mid eld.
RUNNING CLOCK means the game clock runs continuously without stopping unless the of cial calls for a card, injury/emergency timeout, or team timeout.
SCORING PLAY is a continuous effort by the attacking team to move the ball toward the goal and to complete a shot on goal. The scoring play is over when:
a. A shot is taken. b. The attacking team loses possession of the ball. c. The attacking team passes or carries the ball behind the level of the goal line and stops the continuous attempt to score. d. The attacking team stops the continuous attempt to score or the player with the ball is forced by the defense to lose her forward momentum. e. The attacking team fouls.
SLASH is the reckless and/or dangerous swing of the crosse at an opponent’s crosse or body whether or not the opponent’s crosse or body is struck.
SLOW WHISTLE is a held whistle, with ag raised, once the attack has entered the critical scoring area and is on a scoring play.
SPHERE is an imaginary area of 7 inches surrounding the head.
STOP CLOCK means the clock stops after each goal and on every whistle within the last two minutes of play in each half unless there is a 10 or more goal differential.
SUBSEQUENT FOUL is one that occurs after the initial foul has been called. For a example, a player is awarded a free position because of a foul by her opponent but then before play starts she, or her team, commits another foul such as taunting the opponent.
SUBSTITUTE is any player who has not been disquali ed and whose name and correct number have been recorded in the scorebook.
SUSPENDED PLAYER is a player who has received two yellow cards in a game and is ineligible for the remainder of the game.
SUBSTITUTION AREA is the area in front of the scorer’s table, centered at mid eld, and sectioned off by two hash marks that are each 5 yards from the center line of the eld.
TEAM BENCH AREA is the area from the end of the substitution area to the team’s restraining line, and even with the level of the scorer’s table extended (at least 4 m from the sideline), and does not include the area directly behind the scorer’s table.
THREE SECONDS IN THE ARC is when a player while defending in the 8-meter are remains in that area more than 3 seconds without marking an opponent within a stick’s length.
THREE SECONDS GOOD DEFENSE is called when a player with the ball holds the ball for more than 3 seconds while closely guarded/ marked.
TOEING THE LINE refers to the placement of the foot up to, but not on a boundary line.
12-METER FAN is a semicircle area in front of each goal circle bounded by an arc 12 meters from the goal circles.
WITHIN A STICK’S LENGTH is when any part of the opponent’s body is inside a crosses’ length. It is the distance a player must be to her opponent to be actively marking this opponent.
YELLOW CARD is given to an offending player, coach or team personnel. A second yellow card to the same individual will result in that person being suspended from further participation in that game.
Appendix C
Note: The crosse for the 6U and 8U divisions are not required to meet the equipment speci cations of Appendix C.
All Field Crosses
SECTION 1. The primary intent of the eld crosse speci cations is to ensure that the ball moves freely within all parts of the head and pocket so that the ball may be dislodged from the front and back of the pocket of a crosse without an excessively forceful check. A crosse may be deemed illegal even though it meets all technical speci cations if its design is a clear attempt to circumvent the intent of the rules.
SECTION 2. The head of the crosse shall be constructed of wood, plastic, berglass, nylon, leather, rubber, gut, and/or any other synthetic material. The handle of the crosse shall be constructed of wood, metal alloy or other composite material and must be nominally straight. An exception is that a handle may deviate up to, but not more than, 10 degrees from straight for the last part of the shaft that is within 6.5 cm from the ball stop when the handle is mounted in the head. Recessed screws must be used to attach the head of a plastic/molded crosse to the handle. The end of all handles shall have an end cap, be taped or be sanded smooth if wood or solid composite material. The crosse shall not have sharp or protruding parts or edges and shall not be dangerous to players in any way. US Lacrosse approved heads may not be altered. Prohibited alterations to heads include but are not limited to: baking, drilling additional holes, breaking and/or reconstructing with adhesive material, stretching, pinching and shaving.
SECTION 3. The overall length of the crosse shall be 90 cm minimum to 110 cm maximum. End caps are included when measuring the overall length of a crosse.
SECTION 4. Strung pockets must be attached to the bottom rail of the head through stringing holes. Mesh pockets are also allowed and do not require the stringing or attachment speci cations as outlined above.
Wooden Field Crosse
SECTION 5. The head of a wooden eld crosse is de ned to consist of four parts: the bridge, the wooden sidewall, the guard and the scoop. (Diagram #) The bridge is the woven ball stop of a wooden crosse.
SECTION 6. The head shall be triangular. The inside width between the sidewalls of the head must continually increase as measured from the center of the bridge to the widest point at the top of the head.
Plastic/Molded Head Field Crosse
SECTION 7. The head of the plastic/molded head eld crosse is de ned to consist of four areas: the throat, the ball stop, the sidewall and the scoop. The ball stop is the center inside curved plastic wall of the head at the throat.
SECTION 8. There may be no protrusions or outcroppings on the inside surface of the sidewalls that interfere with the free movement of the ball or affect ball retention. Minor protrusions or outcroppings added for design or strengthening purposes will be allowed. The legality of these protrusions/outcroppings will be determined by the Rules Committee upon submission of the crosse by the manufacturer.
SECTION 9. The head of the crosse shall be triangular in concept, with the exact allowable distances between the sidewalls determined by the speci c measurements outlined in the full Appendix B, found online at
SECTION 10. The nominal diameter of the shooting string nylon cord and sidewall string nylon shall be 0.3 centimeters maximum. The nominal diameter of pocket nylon shall be 0.3 centimeters maximum unless fused mesh is utilized to attach the pocket to the head of the stick.
SECTION 11. Field crosses shall have no more than two separate shooting strings. Shooting strings shall not be rolled or coiled or twisted more than twice between each thong. Flat laces may not be used as shooting strings. Shooting strings are not required. Any “shooting” string must be directly attached to both sidewalls within 3.5 inches of the top outside edge of the head and the bottom shooting string may be an inverted “U” in shape and must be directly attached to both sidewalls within 6.5 inches, as measured from the top outside edge of the scoop. “Shooting” strings may not be crossed. “Shooting” strings may not touch from outside the outermost thongs to the sidewall.
SECTION 12. All components of the pocket shall be integral, either by tying or by stitching. In no case shall components be slid over the shooting strings, cross lacings, or thongs. This rule strictly prohibits the use of beads, tubing or similar items on any part of the pocket. Other materials that may be prohibited: any materials that are sharp/ unyielding – i.e. – metal or hard rubber material that could be dangerous to another player.
SECTION 13. The combined height of the sidewall and the depth of the natural forward facing pocket containing the ball shall not exceed 6.4cm, the diameter of the ball. The combined height of the sidewall and depth of the reverse (backside) pocket containing the ball shall not exceed 6.4 cm, the diameter of the ball. The top of a ball, when placed into the pocket of a horizontally held crosse, must be visible above the top of the entire wooden or plastic sidewall after reasonable force with one hand has been applied and released from the ball.
SECTION 14. The ball moves freely within all parts of the head of the stick both laterally and along its full length of the front and back of the pocket. To ensure the ball rolls freely, the of cial will tilt the stick in both directions so that the ball moves freely from the ball stop to the scoop and out of the stick. The ball must not become wedged between the walls, under the guard or under the bridge of a wooden crosse, or in the ball stop or under the walls of a plastic/ molded head crosse. The ball must easily fall out of the pocket when the crosse is turned upside down. There must be no holes or gaps in the pocket that are larger than 1.5” (38.1 mm).
NOTE: The following are some examples that, either alone or in combination might cause a lack of free ball movement in the head/ pocket: shooting strings that are not interwoven with the cross lacings and thongs and allowed to sit on top of these other stringing areas; thongs that are raised above the plane of the pocket; thongs made from a sticky/tacky substance or this type of substance added to the thongs.
Goalkeeper’s Crosse
SECTION 15. The crosse shall be constructed of wood, plastic, berglass, nylon, leather, rubber, gut, and/or any other synthetic material. The handle of the crosse shall be straight and may be constructed of wood, metal alloy or other composite material. The end of all handles shall have an end cap, be taped or be sanded smooth, if wood. The crosse shall not have sharp or protruding parts or edges and shall not be dangerous to players in any way.
SECTION 16. The overall length of the crosse shall be 90 cm minimum to 135 cm maximum. The end cap is included when measuring the overall length of the crosse.
SECTION 17. The unstrung head and the handle of a goalkeeper’s crosse shall lie within a 7.6cm horizontal plane. a. No part of the head shall pass beyond a plane 2.5cm above the centerline of the handle and/or 5.1cm below the centerline of the handle. b. The top edge of the sidewall shall not be more than 0.6cm below the centerline of the handle.
SECTION 18. The head shall have a maximum length of 42cm. The length of the head is measured from the center of the bridge or ball stop (where the top back edge of 96 - the stop pad meets the plastic) to the top outside edge of the scoop. With the open pocket of the head facing up, all length measurements are taken along the centerline of the handle.
SECTION 19. The pocket of the crosse may be strung with 6 or 7 longitudinal leather or synthetic thongs and cross-lacing or may be mesh. The depth of the pocket may be unlimited except that the ball must move freely within all parts of the head and the pocket, both laterally and along its full length.
SECTION 20. The goalkeeper’s crosse may have more than two shooting strings. Flat laces or nylon cord may be used as shooting strings. There are no restrictions regarding the design or placement of shooting strings in the pocket of a goalkeeper’s crosse.
SECTION 21. The entire crosse (strung head and handle) shall not weigh more than 773g. NOTE: The intent of the rule governing the design of the goalkeeper’s crosse is to disallow any crosse where excessive widths of plastic have been added to the outside of the sidewalls in order to increase the surface area of the head.
Stick Certification Procedures: Any lacrosse stick to be used, sold or marketed in the United States must rst be submitted to the testing lab. Once the test facility has determined that the stick meets all the speci cations outlined in Appendix C, a report noting this compliance will be sent to the US Lacrosse Women’s Game Director. The stick will then be listed on the US Lacrosse web site as legal for use in the United States. The US Lacrosse Rules Committee has the nal authority to either approve or deny stick stringing and/ or designs independent of lab approval. Go to for complete equipment certi cation process procedures and timeline, and for lists of USL approved equipment.
Goalkeeper’s equipment
SECTION 22. The goalkeeper must wear a helmet with face mask and properly secured chinstrap, a separate throat protector, padded gloves, a mouthpiece, a chest protector, a pelvic protector and padding on the shins and thighs. The protective helmet, designed for lacrosse, must meet the NOCSAE test standard.
SECTION 23. It is recommended that the goalkeeper wear padding on arms and shoulders. This padding must not excessively increase the size of any body parts. Body padding must not exceed the thickness of legal goalkeeping gloves – 1-inch padding. Gloves must not contain any webbing and must not excessively increase the size of the hands as they are presented to the ball.
Eye Protection
All field players must properly wear eye protection that meets the ASTM standard for women’s lacrosse (F3077). Starting January 1, 2018, manufacturers must begin to certify eye protection products through SEI. Effective immediately, SEI is accepting submittals for certi cation to ASTM F3077-14 and ASTM F3077-17. All eyewear must be certi ed no later than January 1, 2020.
All players must properly wear a professionally manufactured intra- oral mouthpiece that fully covers the teeth. The mouthpiece shall be of any readily visible color other than clear or white and must not have graphics of white teeth. It shall include occlusal (protecting and separating the biting surfaces) and labial (protecting the teeth and supporting structures) portions and shall cover the posterior teeth with adequate thickness. There may be no protruding tabs for field players.
Other Personal Equipment
SECTION 24. Headgear and close- tting gloves may be worn by all eld players. Any eld player choosing to wear headgear will only be allowed to wear headgear that has been tested by the manufacturer and meets the ASTM F3137 standard for women’s lacrosse headgear. As of 1/1/18, eld players choosing to wear headgear shall only wear headgear that is third-party certi ed through SEI to the most current edition of ASTM F3137. The headgear shall be listed on the US Lacrosse website in order to be considered legal for play. Face masks are not allowed.
Note: No equipment, including protective devices, may be used unless it complies with the rules and manufacturers’ speci cation and is deemed not dangerous to other players by the officials.
Note: Hard and unyielding items (guards, casts, braces, splints, etc.) on the hand, wrist, forearm, elbow, upper arm or shoulder are prohibited unless padded with a closed-cell, slow-recovery foam padding no less than 1/2” thick. Knee and ankle braces that are unaltered from the manufacturer’s original design/production do not require any additional padding.
Note: Players may only wear securely taped Medic-alert jewelry with information visible and close- tting cloth sweatbands. Any other adornment, including gauges, will be considered jewelry and may not be worn. Barrettes are legal as long as they do not endanger other players.
Note: Eye black worn on the face must be one solid stroke with no logos/numbers/letters and shall not extend further than the width of the eye socket or below the cheekbone.
SECTION 25. The ball shall be yellow, lime green or bright orange (similar to Pantone #811) color, and meet the current NOCSAE lacrosse ball standard at the time of manufacture for 10U, 12U and 14U.
NOTE: Specifications for all equipment are modi ed periodically by the US Lacrosse Women’s Rules Committee. Although the Committee will endeavor when possible to provide advance noti cation of changes to manufacturers of lacrosse equipment known to the Committee, the Committee expressly reserves the right to change any specification at any time if, in its sole discretion, the Committee deems the change to be in the best interest of the sport of women’s lacrosse. US Lacrosse does not test or approve equipment to determine compliance with specifications. US Lacrosse shall have no liability for defects caused by failure to meet specifications or for alterations made after manufacturing and distribution of said equipment; or for alterations made to the crosse after the stick (head and pocket) is manufactured, submitted for nal evaluation to the testing Laboratory and approved
- Published by US Lacrosse