Posted on February 19th, 2021



There are many skeptics who do not believe in an online recruiting profile and highlight videos but being in the club industry for over a decade, I can speak first hand that they do truly work and coaches doing utilize these platforms.  

As we all know, the recruiting process is grueling and is only becoming more competitive as the sport continues to grow at annual rapid rate over 11% a year with the participation rate so to help maximize your exposure besides doing the obvious which is to attend prospect camps, recruiting events with your club team and individual showcases, all players should create an online recruiting profile and create a highlight video to add onto it but to also send to coaches.  There are several platforms that you can use such as ConnectLax and Sports Recruits so below are some bullet points of some tips that I would suggest doing when creating a profile and highlight video:

  1. Include as much information about yourself as possible (Transcript, GPA, SAT/ACT Scores, Athletic Acheivements, etc)
  2. Create a professional email. Perception is reality so use something First Name.Last Name at Gmail
  3. Do not make a highlight video longer than 5 minutes long - a coach will comb through hundreds and doesnt have the time to watch anything longer.  Try to keep it around 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 minutes long. 
  4. Do not make some sort of grand finale. Include your top plays immediately to capture the attention of the coach
  5. Mix up your video with a variety of players to show that you are a versatile player (i.e. an attackmen should include goals he/she scored lefty and righty from different angles on the run and time & room in addition to showing assists coming from around the cage, off of a double team and in a fast break and lastly, include some rides and ground balls in unsettled situations
  6. You can add music but most coaches will just mute it anyways but becareful with the music you choose
  7. Include your contact information, your high school coaches contact information and your club coaches information