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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
You all have it wrong. the growth of this sport only comes from TV viewership. At a time when the NFL and football generally is under severe attack, lax gods should be looking to capitalize and promote safety. Should be promoting to all the fact that while there is contact, concussions happen less that xx% as compared to football.

Someone above talked about the FO killing momentum...have you ever watched a football game? Those guys huddle and substitute on every play and it is the best sport in the world to momentum is not affected by a huddle, why should it be by a FO?

TV audience, what do they like to see, a fumble where no one knows who has the ball or if his knee touched before he dropped it or a 75 yard run to the end zone. A lot more exciting to watch the run or the bomb than it is to watch a 2 yard power run.

If the geniuses who are making knew rules did any research, they would probably find that TV likes FOs...What TV likes is what will grow the sport so maybe one day your son could actually earn a living playing the game.

You want to make the game better and actually fill a stadium or you want to hold on to your youth and how you played?

I for one didn't grow up playing your game but having watched over the last 7 years I wish I did. That said, watching a kid P&P run down and score a goal is about the most exciting play in the game bar none. Only better if the kid P&Ps runs down and shoots only to have a goalie that stuffs him.

Growth of the game is not effected by the speed of play, growth of the game is effected by how many people you can get to buy a ticket to a game or watch it TV. People like excitement and FOs provide excitement that people actually cheer for.

For those that think it is not fair to have one player have such a great impact on the game. Have you ever seen a baseball game? The pitcher can't hit, generally can't run, but the good ones make more money than everyone else...

You want a big time sport? Keep the FO and all the excitement it brings to your sport. Start to market lax as the safer alternative to football. Don't create more collisions, eliminate them where possible.

Who cares which side of the stick is used? Pretty sure the TV viewers don't because they are not currently watching your game...

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
It's up to 1,900 now. But I was told this petition was written and posted by an rising 10th grade Face off student, not an MLL player, college student, or parent. Read the petition, the counters he presents, supporting safety facts. Read it, you might
have a different opinion.

The ones who just say get rid of the face off all together might want to take a look back to 1979 when they tried that, It failed. Badly and was reinstated within the year.

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous

Looks like you are in the minority! The petition is being signed by 1000s because the changes make no sense. You obviously have no idea what the face off position is all about. Go away and cry somewhere else.

Face Off men unite!! spread the word:

LOL - there are 319,000,000 people in the USA and 1,212 have signed the petition, I would say you are in the minority and the true majority don't really care.

But, to bring more awareness to your cause I nominate you to take the FOGO ice bucket challenge, dump a bucket of ice water over your head, if your head gets stuck in the ice bucket it is an illegal procedure and you will be forced to teach you kid how to play real lacrosse and not fogo wrestlemania lacrosse, you have 24 hours to accept this challenge and about 7 months to teach your kid how to play lacrosse.....good luck

Your son must go to Syracuse! That explains your negativity. You illustrated one important point. The game needs to grow, that's best for all of us. Citing the number of people in the US is meaningless since most of them don't even know what lax is. Keeping the most exciting part of the game intact only benefits the sport moving forward. The negativity only comes from those lacking a good face off man on their team, or out of frustration because they have not been able to perform well.

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
Originally Posted by Anonymous
You all have it wrong. the growth of this sport only comes from TV viewership. At a time when the NFL and football generally is under severe attack, lax gods should be looking to capitalize and promote safety. Should be promoting to all the fact that while there is contact, concussions happen less that xx% as compared to football.

Someone above talked about the FO killing momentum...have you ever watched a football game? Those guys huddle and substitute on every play and it is the best sport in the world to momentum is not affected by a huddle, why should it be by a FO?

TV audience, what do they like to see, a fumble where no one knows who has the ball or if his knee touched before he dropped it or a 75 yard run to the end zone. A lot more exciting to watch the run or the bomb than it is to watch a 2 yard power run.

If the geniuses who are making knew rules did any research, they would probably find that TV likes FOs...What TV likes is what will grow the sport so maybe one day your son could actually earn a living playing the game.

You want to make the game better and actually fill a stadium or you want to hold on to your youth and how you played?

I for one didn't grow up playing your game but having watched over the last 7 years I wish I did. That said, watching a kid P&P run down and score a goal is about the most exciting play in the game bar none. Only better if the kid P&Ps runs down and shoots only to have a goalie that stuffs him.

Growth of the game is not effected by the speed of play, growth of the game is effected by how many people you can get to buy a ticket to a game or watch it TV. People like excitement and FOs provide excitement that people actually cheer for.

For those that think it is not fair to have one player have such a great impact on the game. Have you ever seen a baseball game? The pitcher can't hit, generally can't run, but the good ones make more money than everyone else...

You want a big time sport? Keep the FO and all the excitement it brings to your sport. Start to market lax as the safer alternative to football. Don't create more collisions, eliminate them where possible.

Who cares which side of the stick is used? Pretty sure the TV viewers don't because they are not currently watching your game...

Great post!! Not sure why some are so negative about the F/O position. Must be a personal problem

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
Originally Posted by Anonymous
We can all keep going back and forth here, or just agree to diagree. I am beyond upset about this because of what it is doing to my HS son. F/O men are a tight nit group and if this happens it could ruin lives. Does anyone care about that? There are young men here that are about to start college on well deserved scholarships that came from hours of hard work and sacrifices made by the families. If you truly support youth sports you would realize that there is much more at stake than a rule change. Or you can snub your nose and say you don't care because it doesn't affect your son. Just remember that karma is a [lacrosse], and there could be a time that you need support from the lacrosse community for an issue that affect your kid.

Just another unintended consequence. And you are very correct, this will or could drastically alter a HS players athletic career that has been recruited under the current or was about to be recruited under the old rules. Some could be devastated.

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
Originally Posted by Anonymous
To the jackwagon that called FOGO moves cheating...he probably had his kid re-classed...

Rule will not get passed, however, they may say you can only have in back of stick for 5 seconds...

FOGO is a skilled position and more important that any other position accept goalie. It is the one true mano v mano position on the field.

Some like it some don't but it shouldn't be changed just because you don't like it. Mis-shapen head equals cheating?

Come on now, using your hands is cheating the heads all get warped, you would know that if your kid played more.

Not going away as TV audience likes it...

"Jack wagon"???...your vehement response and amazing use of the language is just what is expected of the daddy whose kid hass pent thousands of your dollars on private coaching in perfecting the cheating technique as his little Johnny otherwise can't play with his peers....doesn't matter, my committed son is anxiously waiting to wreck the kid coming on a fast break who can't pass the ball out of his pinched and illegally modified head.

I'm sorry; do they sell the heads like that? Or is it not common knowledge of the various ways these kids and their daddy's heat, rebend and mold the heads. Can I walk into lax unlimited and buy one off the shelf where the ball doesn't fall out of the front or the back of the head???.....answer: NO.

THE TRUE SHAME IS THAT It's acceptable by the teams and coaches as well if their FOGO has it down. Let's all look the other way. If we don't see it; then it didn't happen, right? So then we should let slashing occur as well. It's illegal too. Let's shorten sticks as much as possible...oh, that's modified and illegal.

Yes Mr Jackwagon; your sons days of not having to actually go truly "Mano a Mano" are over.

And yes my kid plays. Too much actually. All year long. And when his stick heads warp; they warp with the sidewalls outward and obliquely thus widening the head. NOT pinching it.

Let's see what your son can do with an off the shelf stick and no pinching and no cheating.

Gonna be tough learning how to play real lacrosse for him. Better get some more private coaching. I can make a few recommendations of legit ones for you.

Not crying here but laughing that I can hear the "1000's" of petition signers who are crying. Crying all those tear$$$ of wasted private coaching money on the coaches who perfected this perverted form of cheating.

Now stop whining.

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous

Please, most FOGO kids are the best athlete on the field. The only reason they get off is because their teams are scoring so much the coach wants them ready for the next FO. To think otherwise is foolish. Perhaps you have not taken 20 FO in a game to know that it is a grueling process requiring, speed, skill, and yes ability to play lax better than your third string D-1 wanna be.

WHat happened, did your boy lose his starting FO position to someone else? That must be the reason for your hate.

very interesting reply and yes, facing off is very grueling and that is why they don't have lacrosse players taking them, they don't want the real players getting tired.

I think part of the issue involves the pinch and pop being a techinically specific skill that allows some smaller, quicker kids to succeed as FOGOs. If that goes away face-offs may morph into even more of a slugfest. As a result, teams may gravitate towards bigger, stronger kids to handle face-offs and these highly technical FOGO specialists could lose out.. The trend towards bigger and stronger is well underway anyway, but this just takes away another avenue for kids who may not have the physical size to outmuscle others.

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
Originally Posted by Anonymous
All the parents who want the FOGO to go away should be careful about what they wish for. It just might come true and then the FOGOs will be taking some of your son's jobs. Easy to call them out now, it will be harder when the FOGO takes your young attack men/middy role from your boys.

What all of you don't realize is the focus that the FOGO position requires. In addition to hitting the wall and shooting an hour a day, the FOGOs are practicing their craft many more hours. The are specialized and focused like few others on the field. Take away their role and they are the kinds of people that will work to take away your son's position on the team.

If the rule stands, your son will be competing against one more kid that has the the laser focus that got him to be the best FOGO. Be careful what you wish for.

Probably one of the dumbest coments I heard. You make no sense.

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
I didn't call you a jackwagon, but I wish I had...

I have a FOGO at home. Yes, he buys his heads at lax unlimited off the shelf. There are actually three model heads he has and none of them has been modified. Not even sure what that means.

SO you are aware, at least for my kid, the mesh forced into the back is what enables the ball to get pinched. It can't be too tight or the ball would not be able to be dislodged. The head itself eventually cracks from the pressure-which is why we now know which heads last the longest and there are three...

Yes, he also strings his own (over and over) so that he can in fact shoot where he wants to after he pinch and pops the other team and runs past your committed boy.

Best of luck to your son, clearly he is the best player that has ever stepped on a lax field and is a real man. The fact that you say he is ready to "wreck" another kid speaks volumes about you and unfortunately because of you, about him.

We all know who you are, we have seen you at every tournament shouting and yelling.

Like I said, I didn't call you a jackwagon, but wish I did as it is fitting.

The true shame is that your kid has to go home to a house where you live.

Get a life and perhaps show a little class every now and then. You will feel better about yourself once you stop laughing at the misfortune of others.

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
Originally Posted by Anonymous

I think part of the issue involves the pinch and pop being a techinically specific skill that allows some smaller, quicker kids to succeed as FOGOs. If that goes away face-offs may morph into even more of a slugfest. As a result, teams may gravitate towards bigger, stronger kids to handle face-offs and these highly technical FOGO specialists could lose out.. The trend towards bigger and stronger is well underway anyway, but this just takes away another avenue for kids who may not have the physical size to outmuscle others.

I also think that this is what is getting a lot of these parents bent out of shape. This was one of the last spots for small kids that aren't superstar attackman. Lax like all the other sports is going the route of the bigger athletes.

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
All the parents who want the FOGO to go away should be careful about what they wish for. It just might come true and then the FOGOs will be taking some of your son's jobs. Easy to call them out now, it will be harder when the FOGO takes your young attack men/middy role from your boys.

What all of you don't realize is the focus that the FOGO position requires. In addition to hitting the wall and shooting an hour a day, the FOGOs are practicing their craft many more hours. The are specialized and focused like few others on the field. Take away their role and they are the kinds of people that will work to take away your son's position on the team.

If the rule stands, your son will be competing against one more kid that has the the laser focus that got him to be the best FOGO. Be careful what you wish for.

Probably one of the dumbest coments I heard. You make no sense.

You must be the guy everyone is calling jackwagon...

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
All the parents who want the FOGO to go away should be careful about what they wish for. It just might come true and then the FOGOs will be taking some of your son's jobs. Easy to call them out now, it will be harder when the FOGO takes your young attack men/middy role from your boys.

What all of you don't realize is the focus that the FOGO position requires. In addition to hitting the wall and shooting an hour a day, the FOGOs are practicing their craft many more hours. The are specialized and focused like few others on the field. Take away their role and they are the kinds of people that will work to take away your son's position on the team.

If the rule stands, your son will be competing against one more kid that has the the laser focus that got him to be the best FOGO. Be careful what you wish for.

Probably one of the dumbest coments I heard. You make no sense.

You must be the guy everyone is calling jackwagon...

No just know that my son isn't worried about a FOGO who put years of his time into trying to be a faceoff man. You know the old saying ..Don't put your eggs in one basket. Well that's what you and some other parents have done. You have failed your kids and they may have to suffer for it. Shame on you for being so farsighted.

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
i like the rule change. The faceoff has become to specialized. What would be wrong if it became a ground ball battle?

What's wrong is that more kids will be injured. I wonder if you will still be in favor when your the hospital with your son and he has a serious concussion.

From groundball battle ????? Dunb statement.

I bet the players who play on wings love the rule change! More ground balls. Watch, now you will see those same FOGO's that didn't throw to their pole on wing because "pole might drop the pass" . What I always found funny about that is most LSM's have better stick skills than most FOGO's.

Should those wing guys start a petition also if this gets overturned? Thats what happens with our youth today, we teach them if they don't get their way we cry.

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
I have no issue with eliminating the FOGO. But that is not the same thing as eliminating face offs or the pinch and pop. My son is a midfielder who does face offs. He can play offense and defense and is a lacrosse player. He is the type of kid who should still have the ability to impact a game with his skill at the face off X. The change that needs to be made is one that reflects the fact that we all want lacrosse players playing the game. Make the face off players stay on the field until there is a shot, whistle or change of possession. That will ensure that real lacrosse players play and the skills that face off players bring are respected.

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
What stops the face off guys from facing off with the front of the stick closet to the ball?. Is there a rule for that? So just pinch and pop with the other side of the stick.

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
lol you obviously dont know [lacrosse] about faceing off my son committed D1 for fogo is probbly 20 times better on the field then your [lacrosse] son whos probably a scrub

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
A Jackwagon (useless bin on wheels made from cannibalized other Jackwagon pieces) will be where they place all of the useless FOGO's who can't play lax when the rules are changed

Tell us FOGO dads, why isn't the back of the stick with a pinched ball into a net too tight to fall out not allowed at any other time of the game? Might it be that there is an unfair advantage to such use?

All of your arguments are baseless and unsubstantiated cries petitioning for a cheating technique that has come under scrutiny for what it is.

I'm sure that the native Americans who formed this game would laugh at your whining. Then beat your pinched net ball etc FOGO with a real wooden stick and leave them in the dust.

End of discussion.

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous

Please, most FOGO kids are the best athlete on the field. The only reason they get off is because their teams are scoring so much the coach wants them ready for the next FO. To think otherwise is foolish. Perhaps you have not taken 20 FO in a game to know that it is a grueling process requiring, speed, skill, and yes ability to play lax better than your third string D-1 wanna be.

WHat happened, did your boy lose his starting FO position to someone else? That must be the reason for your hate.

very interesting reply and yes, facing off is very grueling and that is why they don't have lacrosse players taking them, they don't want the real players getting tired.

I think part of the issue involves the pinch and pop being a techinically specific skill that allows some smaller, quicker kids to succeed as FOGOs. If that goes away face-offs may morph into even more of a slugfest. As a result, teams may gravitate towards bigger, stronger kids to handle face-offs and these highly technical FOGO specialists could lose out.. The trend towards bigger and stronger is well underway anyway, but this just takes away another avenue for kids who may not have the physical size to outmuscle others.

Look on he bright side; the bowling team needs some technically specific skills that smaller kids can apply there.

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
Originally Posted by Anonymous
lol you obviously dont know [lacrosse] about faceing off my son committed D1 for fogo is probbly 20 times better on the field then your [lacrosse] son whos probably a scrub

[lacrosse] scrub sons unite!! We call for a petition to stop calling us [lacrosse] scrubs!!
Some are just scrubs. Some are just [lacrosse]'s. But it's the rare combo that can become both a [lacrosse] and a scrub and that takes serious technical skills and the ability to run off of the field ASAP so real players can then play. (Wait a minute....does that mean we are closet FOGO's!??). Where do I sign???

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
To all FOGO parents,

Please disregard these mindless posts from bottom dwellers. this is an anonymous site so they happily post to whatever nonsense comes into their small little minds...

Especially the jackwagon guy. He is compensating for some other slight in life...

Yes Mr. Jackwagon, now that you have said argument over, it is over. You are a jackwagon and worse. Feel bad for your kid and your wife...Both are dealing with a mental case.

Did you re-class your son on your own or did he get forced to re-class because he couldn't keep up with all the reading and writing?

Oh wait, is that your little boy flunking out of first year? D-1 my a$$...

Forget to take the meds today?

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
All the parents who want the FOGO to go away should be careful about what they wish for. It just might come true and then the FOGOs will be taking some of your son's jobs. Easy to call them out now, it will be harder when the FOGO takes your young attack men/middy role from your boys.

What all of you don't realize is the focus that the FOGO position requires. In addition to hitting the wall and shooting an hour a day, the FOGOs are practicing their craft many more hours. The are specialized and focused like few others on the field. Take away their role and they are the kinds of people that will work to take away your son's position on the team.

If the rule stands, your son will be competing against one more kid that has the the laser focus that got him to be the best FOGO. Be careful what you wish for.

Probably one of the dumbest coments I heard. You make no sense.

You must be the guy everyone is calling jackwagon...

No just know that my son isn't worried about a FOGO who put years of his time into trying to be a faceoff man. You know the old saying ..Don't put your eggs in one basket. Well that's what you and some other parents have done. You have failed your kids and they may have to suffer for it. Shame on you for being so farsighted.

Failed my kids because the rules changed? Really? Shame on me for being farsighted? What planet are your from? You must be the jackwagon after all...

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
i like the rule change. The faceoff has become to specialized. What would be wrong if it became a ground ball battle?

What's wrong is that more kids will be injured. I wonder if you will still be in favor when your the hospital with your son and he has a serious concussion.

From groundball battle ????? Dunb statement.

I bet the players who play on wings love the rule change! More ground balls. Watch, now you will see those same FOGO's that didn't throw to their pole on wing because "pole might drop the pass" . What I always found funny about that is most LSM's have better stick skills than most FOGO's.

Should those wing guys start a petition also if this gets overturned? Thats what happens with our youth today, we teach them if they don't get their way we cry.

Actually, taking action and getting your point across is a great message for our youth. You will learn this the hard weigh when your kid graduates from school and mine gives him a job...

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
Joined: Oct 2010
Posts: 1,050
Back of THE CAGE
Back of THE CAGE
Joined: Oct 2010
Posts: 1,050
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
lol you obviously dont know [lacrosse] about faceing off my son committed D1 for fogo is probbly 20 times better on the field then your [lacrosse] son whos probably a scrub

[lacrosse] scrub sons unite!! We call for a petition to stop calling us [lacrosse] scrubs!!
Some are just scrubs. Some are just [lacrosse]'s. But it's the rare combo that can become both a [lacrosse] and a scrub and that takes serious technical skills and the ability to run off of the field ASAP so real players can then play. (Wait a minute....does that mean we are closet FOGO's!??). Where do I sign???

Are you serious?? Truly pathetic. I bet your kids are really proud.

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
It's really insane how a rule change that is intended to better the sport and eliminate a move that is not allowed at any other time of the game is getting people so angry.

The best Face Off guys will still be the best. There is a very small percentage of really small and weak fogos that will not be able to compete anymore and that it it.

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
WHat kind of people speak this way? If you don't like the FOGO position fine, but is it necessary to put the kids down and call them names?

Mine takes FO for all lines but also plays his own line. He is getting recruited and all of the coaches we spoke to said they want him regardless, they are looking for athletes...

the people here who are making noise are the same ones that are upset at early recruiting because their kid isn't getting recruited.

nonetheless, have a little decency please.

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
Originally Posted by Anonymous
To all FOGO parents,

Please disregard these mindless posts from bottom dwellers. this is an anonymous site so they happily post to whatever nonsense comes into their small little minds...

Especially the jackwagon guy. He is compensating for some other slight in life...

Yes Mr. Jackwagon, now that you have said argument over, it is over. You are a jackwagon and worse. Feel bad for your kid and your wife...Both are dealing with a mental case.

Did you re-class your son on your own or did he get forced to re-class because he couldn't keep up with all the reading and writing?

Oh wait, is that your little boy flunking out of first year? D-1 my a$$...

Forget to take the meds today?

My my.... Touched a nerve there, huh FOFO dad? (Not a typo; figure it out?)
So many attempts at insults yet so easily deflected.

My son is a triple reclass and is taking remedial shoelace tying so he can get into UNC.

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
Originally Posted by Anonymous
We can all keep going back and forth here, or just agree to diagree. I am beyond upset about this because of what it is doing to my HS son. F/O men are a tight nit group and if this happens it could ruin lives. Does anyone care about that? There are young men here that are about to start college on well deserved scholarships that came from hours of hard work and sacrifices made by the families. If you truly support youth sports you would realize that there is much more at stake than a rule change. Or you can snub your nose and say you don't care because it doesn't affect your son. Just remember that karma is a [lacrosse], and there could be a time that you need support from the lacrosse community for an issue that affect your kid.

ruin lives oh my god

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
The final word on all of the FOGO parents and their whining....

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
All the parents who want the FOGO to go away should be careful about what they wish for. It just might come true and then the FOGOs will be taking some of your son's jobs. Easy to call them out now, it will be harder when the FOGO takes your young attack men/middy role from your boys.

What all of you don't realize is the focus that the FOGO position requires. In addition to hitting the wall and shooting an hour a day, the FOGOs are practicing their craft many more hours. The are specialized and focused like few others on the field. Take away their role and they are the kinds of people that will work to take away your son's position on the team.

If the rule stands, your son will be competing against one more kid that has the the laser focus that got him to be the best FOGO. Be careful what you wish for.

Probably one of the dumbest coments I heard. You make no sense.

You must be the guy everyone is calling jackwagon...

No just know that my son isn't worried about a FOGO who put years of his time into trying to be a faceoff man. You know the old saying ..Don't put your eggs in one basket. Well that's what you and some other parents have done. You have failed your kids and they may have to suffer for it. Shame on you for being so farsighted.

Is that what you tell the goalies parents too? People get good at working hard and training for their position. This whole movement is driven by jealousy. Sad

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
These coaches that are crying and in favor of this change are all in favor if it benefits their team, for example the Coach of St Leo a D-3 Brad Jorgensen stated the following in inside lacrosse.

Saint Leo had the highest FO% in the country last year....and I love the new rule. FOGO's will adapt once they are done complaining.

Sounds honorable but when you look into his face off guy he is not a pinch and pop player (what a surprise),so this doesn't affect his team at all! if anything it helps

All of these coaches are not concerned with "the game" they are only worried about what is best for their team, just look at Desko at Syracuse once his faceoff guy started to struggle he started his crusade against faceoffs

They try to sound like they are doing it for the good of the game but it is all about their own team. I havent heard Danowski or Tillman complain.

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
My son is not a FOGO, and I am not a former lacrosse player parent. This is a rule change that affects face off guys who can't play lacrosse. That said, I do have empathy for this rule affecting kids who developed these skills. It is not some HS kid's fault that lacrosse decided to be different from nearly every other court or field sport where there is a change of possession after a score.

Ruins lives? Come on. It is just a kid's game. Nobody got cancer or died over this. And like Beast wrote, this rule affects everyone equally. The kids who are tough and adapt to technical changes the best will remain the best at the position.

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
Originally Posted by Anonymous
My son is not a FOGO, and I am not a former lacrosse player parent. This is a rule change that affects face off guys who can't play lacrosse. That said, I do have empathy for this rule affecting kids who developed these skills. It is not some HS kid's fault that lacrosse decided to be different from nearly every other court or field sport where there is a change of possession after a score.

Ruins lives? Come on. It is just a kid's game. Nobody got cancer or died over this. And like Beast wrote, this rule affects everyone equally. The kids who are tough and adapt to technical changes the best will remain the best at the position.

I do respect what you're saying, but the pinch and pop takes thousands of hours to master, that is for those who have the wrist speed to begin with. That is on top of regular lax training. Some of these kids are Jrs and seniors who are committed to colleges and excited to demonstrate the sills they worked so hard at. I just think it's too drastic. They could start with a 3 second pop-out and see how that works first. A phase out would make more sense. And what about HS? When would those rules change? Just weird that colleges will be facing off one way while the HS game remains a pinch and pop world! I hope to god this does not pass, I know the colleges with strong F/O recruits can not want this. And for all you loudmouth bullies, why don't you think about the kids? I suspect many of the people coming on this forum don't even really care that much and are just jealous of the success and recognition that good F/O players take away from their son. I know I would not be commenting here if my son did not take F/Os. Try being constructive, not negative/attacking in your comments for the benefit of the game ALL OUR KIDS LOVE!

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
the rule hasn't been changed nor will it. Don't bother yourself with the back and forth of these stupid people, especially Mr. Jackwagon. He takes home the loser of the month prize on this board.

Maybe he can keep it up and win in Sept as well..

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
To all FOGO parents,

Please disregard these mindless posts from bottom dwellers. this is an anonymous site so they happily post to whatever nonsense comes into their small little minds...

Especially the jackwagon guy. He is compensating for some other slight in life...

Yes Mr. Jackwagon, now that you have said argument over, it is over. You are a jackwagon and worse. Feel bad for your kid and your wife...Both are dealing with a mental case.

Did you re-class your son on your own or did he get forced to re-class because he couldn't keep up with all the reading and writing?

Oh wait, is that your little boy flunking out of first year? D-1 my a$$...

Forget to take the meds today?

My my.... Touched a nerve there, huh FOFO dad? (Not a typo; figure it out?)
So many attempts at insults yet so easily deflected.

My son is a triple reclass and is taking remedial shoelace tying so he can get into UNC.

just as I thought, you are classless through and through.

Why don't you share your wisdom on some other topics? Nah, maybe keeping your simple thoughts to yourself is a better plan.

Good luck with UNC, thank god the kid is getting away from you!

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014

Here is a tape of the greatest lacrosse game ever 25 years ago. Notice the crowds were a lot bigger for an NCAA championship game in 1989 versus now, which is pathetic and also not the main point. These face off guys were amazing. The wing play is amazing. Notice how fast the ball comes out of X and comes up. I don't believe this rule hurts good lacrosse players who face off. It hurts face off specialists who can't play lacrosse. Lacrosse and lacrosse players are better off with this rule change. Sorry to the kids who were specialists at pinched head squeeze moves. Practice new techniques and learn to play lacrosse so that the coach who recruited you doesn't see he is getting a one trick pony.

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
i like the rule change. The faceoff has become to specialized. What would be wrong if it became a ground ball battle?

What's wrong is that more kids will be injured. I wonder if you will still be in favor when your the hospital with your son and he has a serious concussion.

From groundball battle ????? Dunb statement.

I bet the players who play on wings love the rule change! More ground balls. Watch, now you will see those same FOGO's that didn't throw to their pole on wing because "pole might drop the pass" . What I always found funny about that is most LSM's have better stick skills than most FOGO's.

Should those wing guys start a petition also if this gets overturned? Thats what happens with our youth today, we teach them if they don't get their way we cry.

Actually, taking action and getting your point across is a great message for our youth. You will learn this the hard weigh when your kid graduates from school and mine gives him a job...

I respect the Harvard commit for taking this action. When one poster said "ruin lives" that may be an exaggeration, however this kid committed to what is arguably the best school in the country due to his unreal dedication to perfecting the F/O position. He is also a top student, but we all know that does not get you into Harvard. You must set yourself apart from the pack by being really special at some skill. He is just one example of this. Think what could be taken away. It is too late/very unlikely to train for another sport/musical instrument,science research and become the best, as this starts for most kids early on. This is not fair to these kids!

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
I just read through this chain and realized there are maybe two or three posters on the negative side. The use of language and writing styles are consistent over and over.

The person that responds to jackwagon (I guess he is used to being called this and in fact seems to like it), the guy that claims that everyone that likes F/O is whining and one I think is a mother claiming that making boys a FOGO was somehow a failure of parenting...really?

Same theme over and over, they are never going to listen to you or me or anyone. They are the small people no one likes and everyone thinks is insane. Don't bother responding to them and they will get bored and go away. Remember, this type of controversy in an anonymous forum is all that they have to look forward to. They enjoy seeing people upset, hurt or in pain. they thrive on it for some reason, let them have at it...

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I just read through this chain and realized there are maybe two or three posters on the negative side. The use of language and writing styles are consistent over and over.

The person that responds to jackwagon (I guess he is used to being called this and in fact seems to like it), the guy that claims that everyone that likes F/O is whining and one I think is a mother claiming that making boys a FOGO was somehow a failure of parenting...really?

Same theme over and over, they are never going to listen to you or me or anyone. They are the small people no one likes and everyone thinks is insane. Don't bother responding to them and they will get bored and go away. Remember, this type of controversy in an anonymous forum is all that they have to look forward to. They enjoy seeing people upset, hurt or in pain. they thrive on it for some reason, let them have at it...

Thank you for that, I can think of at least 10 people who fit that description, and I won't say anything else about them to stay classy, but we all can probably say the same! F/O guys stay strong and united, we will get through this!

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
How about a rule change suggestion to do a face off crease? Like the goalie crease, a circle around X where the FOGOs can gladiator wrestle and can pinch and hold the ball in back of the stick, but only inside the face off crease. And the wings can rush the crease but not interfere until the ball is out. One poster suggested a 3 second pop rule. "The invisible pinch and pop clock", no thank you. It would be a debacle to trust referees with discretion on that one.

I'm the poster who wrote this doesn't ruin lives, it just changes the position. I don't think that even the most ardent supporters of the pinch and carry are against some limitations on it. So why not suggest one in the petition? I like the kid's moxie to do this face-off petition. The rule makers in this sport don't want the ball carried around everywhere on the back of the stick or stuck into it. Let's take this convo a little further constructively, what rule change do you suggest?

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
Originally Posted by Anonymous
How about a rule change suggestion to do a face off crease? Like the goalie crease, a circle around X where the FOGOs can gladiator wrestle and can pinch and hold the ball in back of the stick, but only inside the face off crease. And the wings can rush the crease but not interfere until the ball is out. One poster suggested a 3 second pop rule. "The invisible pinch and pop clock", no thank you. It would be a debacle to trust referees with discretion on that one.

I'm the poster who wrote this doesn't ruin lives, it just changes the position. I don't think that even the most ardent supporters of the pinch and carry are against some limitations on it. So why not suggest one in the petition? I like the kid's moxie to do this face-off petition. The rule makers in this sport don't want the ball carried around everywhere on the back of the stick or stuck into it. Let's take this convo a little further constructively, what rule change do you suggest?

I like it, a step in a constructive conversation! BTW I'm the poster who suggested the three second pop. I see your point there. I just think having the ability to have a clean win needs to be a possibility.

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Re: Faceoff Petition 2014
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
How about a rule change suggestion to do a face off crease? Like the goalie crease, a circle around X where the FOGOs can gladiator wrestle and can pinch and hold the ball in back of the stick, but only inside the face off crease. And the wings can rush the crease but not interfere until the ball is out. One poster suggested a 3 second pop rule. "The invisible pinch and pop clock", no thank you. It would be a debacle to trust referees with discretion on that one.

I'm the poster who wrote this doesn't ruin lives, it just changes the position. I don't think that even the most ardent supporters of the pinch and carry are against some limitations on it. So why not suggest one in the petition? I like the kid's moxie to do this face-off petition. The rule makers in this sport don't want the ball carried around everywhere on the back of the stick or stuck into it. Let's take this convo a little further constructively, what rule change do you suggest?

I like it, a step in a constructive conversation! BTW I'm the poster who suggested the three second pop. I see your point there. I just think having the ability to have a clean win needs to be a possibility.

why not say you have to get it out of the back of the stick prior to entering either the offensive or defensive zones

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