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Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
really???? you are some kind of stupid!!!! kids born in sept oct nov dec would be 05's in 6th grade or you would rather those kids to start school at 4 years old so they dont dominate your little jonny.SMH!!!! learn how to read!
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
really???? you are some kind of stupid!!!! kids born in sept oct nov dec would be 05's in 6th grade or you would rather those kids to start school at 4 years old so they dont dominate your little jonny.SMH!!!! Your a genius- NY State cutoff is Dec 1. Some school districts are def 15. The only reason why little Johnny would be held back would be voluntarily. Your a hammerhead too.
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
really???? you are some kind of stupid!!!! kids born in sept oct nov dec would be 05's in 6th grade or you would rather those kids to start school at 4 years old so they dont dominate your little jonny.SMH!!!! learn how to read! First, NOT all teams have holdbacks. My son is on a top/top team and there are NONE. My problem isn’t with the occasional holdback, as they will always exist. It’s with the teams that seek to exploit that loophole in the rules for their own personal benefit, to the greatest extent possible. That can be termed nothing less than cheating scumbags in my book. Obviously a lot of people agree with that position, as evidenced on BOTC and the rules of the WSYL which is the only tournament that recognizes the injustice done and thereby closed that loophole. You want to cheat, no WSYL for you!! Right Maryland/VA teams?!!! The biggest cheaters of them all!
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
really???? you are some kind of stupid!!!! kids born in sept oct nov dec would be 05's in 6th grade or you would rather those kids to start school at 4 years old so they dont dominate your little jonny.SMH!!!! learn how to read! First, NOT all teams have holdbacks. My son is on a top/top team and there are NONE. My problem isn’t with the occasional holdback, as they will always exist. It’s with the teams that seek to exploit that loophole in the rules for their own personal benefit, to the greatest extent possible. That can be termed nothing less than cheating scumbags in my book. Obviously a lot of people agree with that position, as evidenced on BOTC and the rules of the WSYL which is the only tournament that recognizes the injustice done and thereby closed that loophole. You want to cheat, no WSYL for you!! Right Maryland/VA teams?!!! The biggest cheaters of them all! exactly !! Well put: unfortunately there are many parents that do not know what a true holdback is, and will find any excuse they can for why there child is not on those top teams.
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
People, don't worry. Next year these held back redshirts are going to play against the same aged kids that weren't forced down a level, the ones who didn't need the leg up, who didn't need the cheat for the system and they are going to get demolished. And then you can enjoy laughing at the neck vein bulging dads screaming about how the refs blew the calls or whatever BS these stains can come up with, while your kids who have been competing against older kids will be more in line with the talent..
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Omg. Talk about beating a dead horse. We get it. Please move on from the hold backs. Next subject.
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
is it likely Taz , express or WP are looking for players at this point? meaning for next year if there is a good player they will look at him. That’s the lie you hear so people don’t try out. If you think your kid has what it takes to play AA BALL , you would be foolish not to let them try. BEST Competition at the grade level. Agree. Top AA always looking to add talent. Don't listen to anyone who tells you different, most of the time they are scorned parents who's kid didn't make the top AA teams across the board and they will blame it on an "inside job". Bottom line if your kid can play with the AA boys he will be welcomed onto the team. If he was skipped over across the board then you might want to be honest about your boys ability at this point. Don't be delusional Unless he is an 05 or plays on another top team, highly unlikely. All teams are always looking for players that can make the team better. It's common sense and if you know anything about travel sports, that's what it is all about. Teams have absolutely no loyalty. If you kid is good, he will make top teams and contribute. If he can't, then he won't. Stop with the loser attitude. It is very telling about you. Try not to pass that along to your kids.
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
All teams are looking for top talent who meet the age requirements to qualify for WSYL! Can’t wait to see which teams comes up with excuses!!
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
really???? you are some kind of stupid!!!! kids born in sept oct nov dec would be 05's in 6th grade or you would rather those kids to start school at 4 years old so they dont dominate your little jonny.SMH!!!! learn how to read! First, NOT all teams have holdbacks. My son is on a top/top team and there are NONE. My problem isn’t with the occasional holdback, as they will always exist. It’s with the teams that seek to exploit that loophole in the rules for their own personal benefit, to the greatest extent possible. That can be termed nothing less than cheating scumbags in my book. Obviously a lot of people agree with that position, as evidenced on BOTC and the rules of the WSYL which is the only tournament that recognizes the injustice done and thereby closed that loophole. You want to cheat, no WSYL for you!! Right Maryland/VA teams?!!! The biggest cheaters of them all! well... we will soon see. There may be one set of parents that may look to doctor their sons birth certificate next year on a TOP/TOP team. Many adjustments were made to social media accounts to hide truths. If that happens be sure that the team’s parents will be more than happy to make officials aware. Regardless of the ramifications. Enough is enough.
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Team 91 Bandits World Champions! Congrats to families, caches and players! Can’t wait until next year... !
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Team 91 Bandits World Champions! Congrats to families, caches and players! Can’t wait until next year... ! Only a completely jerk would call the winner of this youth tournament "World Champions". Also, 1. Did Spallina at least play all the kids this year? Last time, with a 10+ goal lead going in the 4th, he didn't let half the kids on the field. What a swell guy. Really deserving of that award. 2. Why did these parents spend $2K+ to play a game they could have arranged at home at any time? 3. Man, lots of those Express moms are homely.
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Team 91 Bandits World Champions! Congrats to families, caches and players! Can’t wait until next year... ! yes. hopefully my chance for my on age kid to get some minutes. our team will be going in at least 3-4 players light.
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
really???? you are some kind of stupid!!!! kids born in sept oct nov dec would be 05's in 6th grade or you would rather those kids to start school at 4 years old so they dont dominate your little jonny.SMH!!!! learn how to read! First, NOT all teams have holdbacks. My son is on a top/top team and there are NONE. My problem isn’t with the occasional holdback, as they will always exist. It’s with the teams that seek to exploit that loophole in the rules for their own personal benefit, to the greatest extent possible. That can be termed nothing less than cheating scumbags in my book. Obviously a lot of people agree with that position, as evidenced on BOTC and the rules of the WSYL which is the only tournament that recognizes the injustice done and thereby closed that loophole. You want to cheat, no WSYL for you!! Right Maryland/VA teams?!!! The biggest cheaters of them all! exactly !! Well put: unfortunately there are many parents that do not know what a true holdback is, and will find any excuse they can for why there child is not on those top teams. Jealousy. Get over it. It's really not the end of the world if your son isn't good enough to be on a top team. Not many kids are. I'm sure he doesn't care that much. It is you that care, because of your own inadequacies, from growing up a second rate player. Relax and enjoy your kid before it is too late.
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
really???? you are some kind of stupid!!!! kids born in sept oct nov dec would be 05's in 6th grade or you would rather those kids to start school at 4 years old so they dont dominate your little jonny.SMH!!!! learn how to read! First, NOT all teams have holdbacks. My son is on a top/top team and there are NONE. My problem isn’t with the occasional holdback, as they will always exist. It’s with the teams that seek to exploit that loophole in the rules for their own personal benefit, to the greatest extent possible. That can be termed nothing less than cheating scumbags in my book. Obviously a lot of people agree with that position, as evidenced on BOTC and the rules of the WSYL which is the only tournament that recognizes the injustice done and thereby closed that loophole. You want to cheat, no WSYL for you!! Right Maryland/VA teams?!!! The biggest cheaters of them all! well... we will soon see. There may be one set of parents that may look to doctor their sons birth certificate next year on a TOP/TOP team. Many adjustments were made to social media accounts to hide truths. If that happens be sure that the team’s parents will be more than happy to make officials aware. Regardless of the ramifications. Enough is enough. Yes, a year from now it will be very interesting to see which teams have been secretly relying on their stockpile of holdbacks to win youth lacrosse games while one has been winning with 100% on age players, all along. After all of these years, their grandiose, greedy plan for winning at all costs will backfire on them, when it comes time for youth lacrosse's biggest stage. Very significant pieces will be missing from almost every team and many, many teams won''t be able to field a team at all (MD/VA/MA), except for one.
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Team 91 Bandits World Champions! Congrats to families, caches and players! Can’t wait until next year... ! Only a completely jerk would call the winner of this youth tournament "World Champions". Also, 1. Did Spallina at least play all the kids this year? Last time, with a 10+ goal lead going in the 4th, he didn't let half the kids on the field. What a swell guy. Really deserving of that award. 2. Why did these parents spend $2K+ to play a game they could have arranged at home at any time? 3. Man, lots of those Express moms are homely. 13U World Champion. The best youth lacrosse is on Long Island. Always been that way, prob always will! Certainly looks that way, as Long Island continues to dominate WORLD PLAY. By the way Madlax Dad, why did Madlax go to a tournament in Denver this summer, with ABSOLUTELY no competition there??? FACT! Some of us LI'ers have gotten pretty chummy with some Mad Lax Dads and they expressed how disgruntled they were about going. Thought going to Denver was too expensive for you DC types. Well, I guess if you can afford to go to an awful tournament there this year, ya'll will have no problem getting there next July for the WSYL. Although, you may find it hard to play a lacrosse game with 6 on age players!! Don't you know, cheaters never prosper! Guess you aren't teaching your kids that one. LOL!
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
really???? you are some kind of stupid!!!! kids born in sept oct nov dec would be 05's in 6th grade or you would rather those kids to start school at 4 years old so they dont dominate your little jonny.SMH!!!! learn how to read! First, NOT all teams have holdbacks. My son is on a top/top team and there are NONE. My problem isn’t with the occasional holdback, as they will always exist. It’s with the teams that seek to exploit that loophole in the rules for their own personal benefit, to the greatest extent possible. That can be termed nothing less than cheating scumbags in my book. Obviously a lot of people agree with that position, as evidenced on BOTC and the rules of the WSYL which is the only tournament that recognizes the injustice done and thereby closed that loophole. You want to cheat, no WSYL for you!! Right Maryland/VA teams?!!! The biggest cheaters of them all! well... we will soon see. There may be one set of parents that may look to doctor their sons birth certificate next year on a TOP/TOP team. Many adjustments were made to social media accounts to hide truths. If that happens be sure that the team’s parents will be more than happy to make officials aware. Regardless of the ramifications. Enough is enough. Ummmm. A lot of truth in this post. These particular parents are overboard crazy, but somehow still around that organization.
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
So th WSYL ended hours ago- it’s the only age based tournament and your worried about cheating? Support the boys and let the clubs work it out. Tryouts are a few weeks away and Long Island teams will only get better!
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
really???? you are some kind of stupid!!!! kids born in sept oct nov dec would be 05's in 6th grade or you would rather those kids to start school at 4 years old so they dont dominate your little jonny.SMH!!!! learn how to read! First, NOT all teams have holdbacks. My son is on a top/top team and there are NONE. My problem isn’t with the occasional holdback, as they will always exist. It’s with the teams that seek to exploit that loophole in the rules for their own personal benefit, to the greatest extent possible. That can be termed nothing less than cheating scumbags in my book. Obviously a lot of people agree with that position, as evidenced on BOTC and the rules of the WSYL which is the only tournament that recognizes the injustice done and thereby closed that loophole. You want to cheat, no WSYL for you!! Right Maryland/VA teams?!!! The biggest cheaters of them all! well... we will soon see. There may be one set of parents that may look to doctor their sons birth certificate next year on a TOP/TOP team. Many adjustments were made to social media accounts to hide truths. If that happens be sure that the team’s parents will be more than happy to make officials aware. Regardless of the ramifications. Enough is enough. Yes, a year from now it will be very interesting to see which teams have been secretly relying on their stockpile of holdbacks to win youth lacrosse games while one has been winning with 100% on age players, all along. After all of these years, their grandiose, greedy plan for winning at all costs will backfire on them, when it comes time for youth lacrosse's biggest stage. Very significant pieces will be missing from almost every team and many, many teams won''t be able to field a team at all (MD/VA/MA), except for one. It's anonymous - please share which team you are talking about....
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Early Predictions for next years WSYL. Igloo will play Express in a semifinal. Express wins. Taz will play WP semifinal and WP will win by 3 goals. Express will beat WP in the finals and finally be the top team of 2024 on LI.
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Early Predictions for next years WSYL. Igloo will play Express in a semifinal. Express wins. Taz will play WP semifinal and WP will win by 3 goals. Express will beat WP in the finals and finally be the top team of 2024 on LI. Why do we have to go to Denver for that? Let's just stay in LI.
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Team 91 Bandits World Champions! Congrats to families, caches and players! Can’t wait until next year... ! Only a completely jerk would call the winner of this youth tournament "World Champions". Also, 1. Did Spallina at least play all the kids this year? Last time, with a 10+ goal lead going in the 4th, he didn't let half the kids on the field. What a swell guy. Really deserving of that award. 2. Why did these parents spend $2K+ to play a game they could have arranged at home at any time? 3. Man, lots of those Express moms are homely. 13U World Champion. The best youth lacrosse is on Long Island. Always been that way, prob always will! Certainly looks that way, as Long Island continues to dominate WORLD PLAY. By the way Madlax Dad, why did Madlax go to a tournament in Denver this summer, with ABSOLUTELY no competition there??? FACT! Some of us LI'ers have gotten pretty chummy with some Mad Lax Dads and they expressed how disgruntled they were about going. Thought going to Denver was too expensive for you DC types. Well, I guess if you can afford to go to an awful tournament there this year, ya'll will have no problem getting there next July for the WSYL. Although, you may find it hard to play a lacrosse game with 6 on age players!! Don't you know, cheaters never prosper! Guess you aren't teaching your kids that one. LOL! 3. I know, lots of those moms don't keep themselves together...Rough!
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
How about Eclipse? They have grand aspirations....
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Forget NLF championships, most teams skipping for the Rising 8th Grade National Championships next weekend. Express loses their leading scorer and won't be a factor.
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
WP with NO holdbacks takes it all. 99% of this team has been together since 2nd grade. Tough to beat
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
is wolfpack looking for any players? where do they practice? where does taz practice
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Does anyone know who will be coaching the 2024 Outlaws with Greaney moving to the Rebels? Will they have 2 teams this upcoming season?
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Next up for WSYL, year 2024
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Joined: Jun 2017
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Back of THE CAGE
Back of THE CAGE
Joined: Jun 2017
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Does anyone know who will be coaching the 2024 Outlaws with Greaney moving to the Rebels? Will they have 2 teams this upcoming season? Coach Rotolo will be 1 of the Outlaw '24 Coaches (2 Teams) and Coach Greaney has not confirmed leaving or taking the RL job so we will inform this thread on his decision once we received confirmation and if you are on our mailing list, you will see it there sometime next week.
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Joined: Mar 2017
Posts: 6
Back of THE CAGE
Back of THE CAGE
Joined: Mar 2017
Posts: 6 |
Does anyone know who will be coaching the 2024 Outlaws with Greaney moving to the Rebels? Will they have 2 teams this upcoming season? Coach Rotolo will be 1 of the Outlaw '24 Coaches (2 Teams) and Coach Greaney has not confirmed leaving or taking the RL job so we will inform this thread on his decision once we received confirmation and if you are on our mailing list, you will see it there sometime next week. According to rebels website coaches are Greaney, Moltisanti and Walsh. Unclear if outlaws will have 2 teams or 1. Guess it depends on tryout numbers.
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Looking forward to ending the debate on certain holdbacks with the wsyl. Interesting to see the giant madlax middie and the chosen one both played in the wsyl this year. I guess we’ll know whether they are just that good or just older like everyone says.
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Who is the best team of the summer?
Here are the winners of the top Tournaments:
NLF Super Series - Hawks North American Lax Summer Invitational - Madlax Crabs Young Guns - Laxachusettes Millon Championship - T91 MD Naptown - Duke's NLF Club - ???
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
You LI guys crack me up. I think the WSYL is an awesome event and btw, my son is on age. The one question I have for all you LI guys (who by the way I enjoy talking to a lot of you on the sidelines), is what do you tell your boys after this cool experience is over? Meaning, do you explain to them if they want to play at the next level (which would be a blessing for all of us) that they will have to compete with these so called cheaters or holdbacks for these same college spots? It’s not going away. You can throw the fact around that MD/VA teams don’t participate in the WSYL but ultimately the jokes on you down the line when the rubber meets the road. Just seems odd to boast about this knowing what’s coming in the future if all fortunate enough to have our sons play at the next level.
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Crab Young Guns tourney is a joke and so is laxachusettes. All of the other tourneys are legit.
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Tourney Machine and this post are incorrect. Bbl won naptown.
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Anyone know anything about 24 East? Are they the old Team Long Island? How are the coaches, are they parents and is there a lot of daddy ball? Have those boys been together a long time so there is little chance of breaking into the line up?
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Who is the best team of the summer?
Here are the winners of the top Tournaments:
NLF Super Series - Hawks North American Lax Summer Invitational - Madlax Crabs Young Guns - Laxachusettes Millon Championship - T91 MD Naptown - Duke's NLF Club - ???
BBL won Naptown big. 10-2
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Now that Taz did not when any championship in the Spring are they turning over the small-sized roster or will the SWR coach they to pull his future players to the other team? Is WP going to keep the same team or pick up a couple of kids this year? What positions does express need to upgrade? Will igloo, rebels. or true blue get kids to compete next year or try to go to other teams? Love it or hate it tryout season is a week away.
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Anyone know anything about 24 East? Are they the old Team Long Island? How are the coaches, are they parents and is there a lot of daddy ball? Have those boys been together a long time so there is little chance of breaking into the line up? average 13 year olds playing down, daddy coaches and the true meaning of mediocre
Re: Boys 2024 - 6th Grade Fall 2017/Summer 2018
Looking forward to ending the debate on certain holdbacks with the wsyl. Interesting to see the giant madlax middie and the chosen one both played in the wsyl this year. I guess we’ll know whether they are just that good or just older like everyone says. i can say with 1000000000000% certainty that the latter(the one from CT) is a 2006 birthday, im sorry to disappoint all of you, but this young man is the hardest working young man out there on and off the field. just a super nice and humble young man
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