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Re: Girls 2021
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
This is my first post, I have been reading the forums for a couple day now and am kind of surprised. All of this takes away from the game, boys and girls there daddy or mommy on a computer talking trash about each other kids and their team. I though only New [lacrosse] parent acted like this. I'm not a person to give everyone a trophy but I'm not a person that call kids playing a sport worthless, and you may not have directly but basically some one here did. And not a big fan of M&D parents on the side line, but every team has a parent or two that go over the edge some time, I myself know I have. My daughter let me know that it's not cool when I do, mostly at bad calls by refers. This game is a small community and pretty soon your daughters or sons are not going to be known for how he/she plays but for how bad their parents actions on the side line are. Like the reputation of M&D parents, I know many of them, very nice people but over the years people aren't just taking about how good M&D is but how bad the parents are. And I use M&D as an example because they seem to be the target right now. I like when my daughter plays them, they have a team that is fun to watch. If you're up 15-5 you shouldn't be saying anything at all. It's not a everyone get a trophy thing is a respect thing for the sport and others. And respect to the team that just took the 15-5 loss and still didn’t quit. Kids see your actions and would you like your kids treating other kids like this, that's up to you guys as a parent. Look forward to see you at the field

Very well said. And I will add, your daughters read this forum. If you think they don't, your are sorely mistaken. They talk about this forum among their friends and teammates. They wonder which post was made by their mom or dad. They wonder if they are the one being trashed and talked about. How do I know? Because my daughter told me so. She told me the conversations she and her teammates have. She told me how they pull this forum up on their phones during the school day to see what has been said about them. She told me girls Snapchat screenshots of posts to friends on other teams. She has told me how, even though names are not used, they can figure out easily which player/coach/parent is getting trashed. And the question they ask is why do moms and dads act like this. Well done parents. You have shown your maturity levels are much lower than your daughters. Even your DAUGHTER shakes her head at your behavior.

Go ahead parents, respond to this with some witty "well if your daughter didn't suck so bad, we wouldn't talk about her.", or something similar. Make fun of this post and tell me if I don't like it, don't read it. Prove me right. Prove your DAUGHTER right. Keep embarrassing her, your 13yr old daughter.

Clap clap clap


Re: Girls 2021
As the parent of a daughter on one of the teams that does not belong in the same division as the world champs, thank you!

Re: Girls 2021
Originally Posted by Anonymous
This is my first post, I have been reading the forums for a couple day now and am kind of surprised. All of this takes away from the game, boys and girls there daddy or mommy on a computer talking trash about each other kids and their team. I though only New [lacrosse] parent acted like this. I'm not a person to give everyone a trophy but I'm not a person that call kids playing a sport worthless, and you may not have directly but basically some one here did. And not a big fan of M&D parents on the side line, but every team has a parent or two that go over the edge some time, I myself know I have. My daughter let me know that it's not cool when I do, mostly at bad calls by refers. This game is a small community and pretty soon your daughters or sons are not going to be known for how he/she plays but for how bad their parents actions on the side line are. Like the reputation of M&D parents, I know many of them, very nice people but over the years people aren't just taking about how good M&D is but how bad the parents are. And I use M&D as an example because they seem to be the target right now. I like when my daughter plays them, they have a team that is fun to watch. If you're up 15-5 you shouldn't be saying anything at all. It's not a everyone get a trophy thing is a respect thing for the sport and others. And respect to the team that just took the 15-5 loss and still didn’t quit. Kids see your actions and would you like your kids treating other kids like this, that's up to you guys as a parent. Look forward to see you at the field

When you say that when M&D is up 15-5 the parents shouldn't say anything at all, what do you mean? That we should stop clapping when someone scores? I don't know what games you are referring to, but I don't ever notice M&D parents gloating or doing anything to make the other team feel bad. Last weekend the goalie for MC Elite played unbelievably. The M&D parents were cheering for her every save she made. Do things get heated when M&D plays Skywalkers, YJ and sometimes Heros? Yes, but it's coming from the other side just as much if not more. I don't think I've ever heard an M&D parent make a comment directed toward a team that was getting beaten badly to make anyone feel bad. If that has happened, I apologize for our parents, but I've certainly never heard it. MG wouldn't allow it and makes it very clear how she expects the parents to behave on the sideline.

As far as the crap on here, people try to stir up trouble. Who knows who the people really are. Certain people have an ax to grind and enjoy watching the fighting. Diamonds dad likes calling everyone M&D dad to attribute everything said to his daughter's old club.

Re: Girls 2021
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
This is my first post, I have been reading the forums for a couple day now and am kind of surprised. All of this takes away from the game, boys and girls there daddy or mommy on a computer talking trash about each other kids and their team. I though only New [lacrosse] parent acted like this. I'm not a person to give everyone a trophy but I'm not a person that call kids playing a sport worthless, and you may not have directly but basically some one here did. And not a big fan of M&D parents on the side line, but every team has a parent or two that go over the edge some time, I myself know I have. My daughter let me know that it's not cool when I do, mostly at bad calls by refers. This game is a small community and pretty soon your daughters or sons are not going to be known for how he/she plays but for how bad their parents actions on the side line are. Like the reputation of M&D parents, I know many of them, very nice people but over the years people aren't just taking about how good M&D is but how bad the parents are. And I use M&D as an example because they seem to be the target right now. I like when my daughter plays them, they have a team that is fun to watch. If you're up 15-5 you shouldn't be saying anything at all. It's not a everyone get a trophy thing is a respect thing for the sport and others. And respect to the team that just took the 15-5 loss and still didn’t quit. Kids see your actions and would you like your kids treating other kids like this, that's up to you guys as a parent. Look forward to see you at the field

When you say that when M&D is up 15-5 the parents shouldn't say anything at all, what do you mean? That we should stop clapping when someone scores? I don't know what games you are referring to, but I don't ever notice M&D parents gloating or doing anything to make the other team feel bad. Last weekend the goalie for MC Elite played unbelievably. The M&D parents were cheering for her every save she made. Do things get heated when M&D plays Skywalkers, YJ and sometimes Heros? Yes, but it's coming from the other side just as much if not more. I don't think I've ever heard an M&D parent make a comment directed toward a team that was getting beaten badly to make anyone feel bad. If that has happened, I apologize for our parents, but I've certainly never heard it. MG wouldn't allow it and makes it very clear how she expects the parents to behave on the sideline.

As far as the crap on here, people try to stir up trouble. Who knows who the people really are. Certain people have an ax to grind and enjoy watching the fighting. Diamonds dad likes calling everyone M&D dad to attribute everything said to his daughter's old club.

I guess to blinded to see the point... and when your up big and I hear M&D parent talk about how the losing team doesn't deserve to be on the same field as us or this team a joke these are the comments that I have heard many times form some not all M&D parents so it does happen. You might want to pay attention to what being said around you better. but that wasn't the point and if all you take away is that best wishes.

Re: Girls 2021
Wonder why people would have a ax to grind with the parents of M&D, well said.

Re: Girls 2021
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
This is my first post, I have been reading the forums for a couple day now and am kind of surprised. All of this takes away from the game, boys and girls there daddy or mommy on a computer talking trash about each other kids and their team. I though only New [lacrosse] parent acted like this. I'm not a person to give everyone a trophy but I'm not a person that call kids playing a sport worthless, and you may not have directly but basically some one here did. And not a big fan of M&D parents on the side line, but every team has a parent or two that go over the edge some time, I myself know I have. My daughter let me know that it's not cool when I do, mostly at bad calls by refers. This game is a small community and pretty soon your daughters or sons are not going to be known for how he/she plays but for how bad their parents actions on the side line are. Like the reputation of M&D parents, I know many of them, very nice people but over the years people aren't just taking about how good M&D is but how bad the parents are. And I use M&D as an example because they seem to be the target right now. I like when my daughter plays them, they have a team that is fun to watch. If you're up 15-5 you shouldn't be saying anything at all. It's not a everyone get a trophy thing is a respect thing for the sport and others. And respect to the team that just took the 15-5 loss and still didn’t quit. Kids see your actions and would you like your kids treating other kids like this, that's up to you guys as a parent. Look forward to see you at the field

When you say that when M&D is up 15-5 the parents shouldn't say anything at all, what do you mean? That we should stop clapping when someone scores? I don't know what games you are referring to, but I don't ever notice M&D parents gloating or doing anything to make the other team feel bad. Last weekend the goalie for MC Elite played unbelievably. The M&D parents were cheering for her every save she made. Do things get heated when M&D plays Skywalkers, YJ and sometimes Heros? Yes, but it's coming from the other side just as much if not more. I don't think I've ever heard an M&D parent make a comment directed toward a team that was getting beaten badly to make anyone feel bad. If that has happened, I apologize for our parents, but I've certainly never heard it. MG wouldn't allow it and makes it very clear how she expects the parents to behave on the sideline.

As far as the crap on here, people try to stir up trouble. Who knows who the people really are. Certain people have an ax to grind and enjoy watching the fighting. Diamonds dad likes calling everyone M&D dad to attribute everything said to his daughter's old club.

I guess to blinded to see the point... and when your up big and I hear M&D parent talk about how the losing team doesn't deserve to be on the same field as us or this team a joke these are the comments that I have heard many times form some not all M&D parents so it does happen. You might want to pay attention to what being said around you better. but that wasn't the point and if all you take away is that best wishes.

I honestly don't believe that you have heard an M&D 2021 Black parent saying that any team doesn't "deserve" to be on the field with them. I understand your point and agree with most of what you said. Parents can and do make total asses of themselves on occasion. And the girls do notice as they always recognize their parents voices. Again, if you really did hear an M&D 2021 Black parent making those sort of comments, I sincerely apologize on their behalf. It is certainly not something I have ever heard in all the years my daughter has played there. I cannot speak for other M&D teams parents as I have heard horror stories of some of them.

Re: Girls 2021

Re: Girls 2021
Originally Posted by Anonymous

Now who's being a dope?

Re: Girls 2021
It got awful quite after angry Diamonds Dad was exposed!!! The bitterness is was fun to read.

Re: Girls 2021
Diamonds dad is still here. Said everything I needed to say and I should add, so did if we could get other parents to stop posting about why his daughter and other kids left the team and talking down to other programs we would be all set. Doesn't seem to me that Diamonds Dad did too much to conceal who he is or what he thinks and I can assure you he couldn't possibly care less.

So, try that out chief.

Re: Girls 2021
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Diamonds dad is still here. Said everything I needed to say and I should add, so did if we could get other parents to stop posting about why his daughter and other kids left the team and talking down to other programs we would be all set. Doesn't seem to me that Diamonds Dad did too much to conceal who he is or what he thinks and I can assure you he couldn't possibly care less.

So, try that out chief.

Posting on BOTC during your kids game, what a loser.
No wonder you left M&D.

Re: Girls 2021
Worse yet, I'm out of state.

Not all in.

Total loser.

Re: Girls 2021
At least Diamonds Dad is not as bad as the dad whose daughter played for Integrity last year. He was VERY quick to introduce himself as a former player at Navy, former air crew member, etc. Then, he and two other cancers proceeded to tear up a pretty good team by talking up API and Md United (of all freakin' clubs) and how those clubs were better (they both suck). Somewhere during the summer he said that the director of Integrity had no clue what she was doing (she's a former NCAA coach) and he was taking his daughter to API. He's a Westbury [lacrosse] who somehow found his way down to Md (God we wish he would go back). Now his daughter is stuck in the blackhole that is API, unfortunately never to be seen again. I feel sorry for the kid, dad is a d!(k. And, he sucks at navigating AE-6's.

Re: Girls 2021
At this age and step in the recruiting process, it really doesn't matter if your daughter plays for API, MD United, Integrity, or even Heros for that matter. Colleges coaches aren't scouting teams, they're looking at the individual girls that have been in contact with them. Have your daughter base her decision on what team SHE enjoys playing for, not what you think. Are there cliques on the team? Is it a " me first" environment? I've chatted with college coaches between games and they've told me they don't even know the score most of the time. If you're daughter isn't touching the ball or getting adequate minutes you're wasting your time and money.

Re: Girls 2021
I haven't seen API play yet in the spring league, but I did catch some of MD United. What I saw was about 3-4 girls who don't like to share the ball

Re: Girls 2021
3-4 girls that don't like to share the ball is not so unusual.

Re: Girls 2021
Why the hate on MD United? That's the case for most of the "top" clubs except M and D Black. Girls are being told by mommy and daddy to showcase themselves so they can get an edge on the recruitment process. That's the way it was 5 years ago and that's the way it will be in 5 years. It's not rocket science.

Re: Girls 2021
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I haven't seen API play yet in the spring league, but I did catch some of MD United. What I saw was about 3-4 girls who don't like to share the ball

Looks like their dads have them prepped for the recruiting process.

Re: Girls 2021
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I haven't seen API play yet in the spring league, but I did catch some of MD United. What I saw was about 3-4 girls who don't like to share the ball

Looks like their dads have them prepped for the recruiting process.

There's also a mom who is nuts. She has said that she won't accept anything less than a 100% scholarship to Maryland for her lanky lefty. She's turned the kid into a basket case. The mom is a cancer to any sideline. My out for her poisonous attitude. If her daughter doesn't score every goal, get every assist and every draw control the mom starts with the put-downs. By the way...she also keeps stats on how many goals the other girls get and how much playing time the other girls get. Watch out!

Re: Girls 2021
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I haven't seen API play yet in the spring league, but I did catch some of MD United. What I saw was about 3-4 girls who don't like to share the ball

Looks like their dads have them prepped for the recruiting process.

There's also a mom who is nuts. She has said that she won't accept anything less than a 100% scholarship to Maryland for her lanky lefty. She's turned the kid into a basket case. The mom is a cancer to any sideline. My out for her poisonous attitude. If her daughter doesn't score every goal, get every assist and every draw control the mom starts with the put-downs. By the way...she also keeps stats on how many goals the other girls get and how much playing time the other girls get. Watch out!

By the way, I should've said the crazy mom is a Md United parent. Consider yourselves warned Md United people.

Re: Girls 2021
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I haven't seen API play yet in the spring league, but I did catch some of MD United. What I saw was about 3-4 girls who don't like to share the ball

Looks like their dads have them prepped for the recruiting process.

There's also a mom who is nuts. She has said that she won't accept anything less than a 100% scholarship to Maryland for her lanky lefty. She's turned the kid into a basket case. The mom is a cancer to any sideline. My out for her poisonous attitude. If her daughter doesn't score every goal, get every assist and every draw control the mom starts with the put-downs. By the way...she also keeps stats on how many goals the other girls get and how much playing time the other girls get. Watch out!

I'm headed back to church to light a candle for this girl's future high school coach. And to say a few prayers that they do not end up at the same high school as my daughter.

Re: Girls 2021
I feel sorry for this girl. I guess mom doesn't understand that College programs also evaluate the players parents as well. I'm sure this girl is getting looked at, and likely getting passed over, once the recruiters quietly figure out her mom is...... "That mom" ! ! !

Re: Girls 2021
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I feel sorry for this girl. I guess mom doesn't understand that College programs also evaluate the players parents as well. I'm sure this girl is getting looked at, and likely getting passed over, once the recruiters quietly figure out her mom is...... "That mom" ! ! !

You are 100% correct. For my daughter's club team, I was the person who gave out the team brochures to the college coaches during games. I've met well over 100 coaches from all 3 divisions and the NAIA. I've heard MANY conversations amongst the coaches and I can tell you for a 100% fact that they see and hear EVERYTHING. They watch player AND parent attitudes. They take LOTS of notes on everything. I've seen them scratch through a players name because of the attitudes. They will quietly walk among the parents and listen. So, before you (over-zealous parent) yell at a ref or opposing player (that's the worst thing you can do) remember this post. The last thing an underpaid college coach wants to deal with for the next 4 or 5 years is a loud-mouth parent.
As far as this mom is concerned, my guess is that her lanky lefty will not get that 100% scholly to U of Md. One, the kid isn't that good yet. I'm not so sure she is getting looked at, yet. Not quite "there" yet on the talent scale. Two, mom is, just like you said...That mom. Cathy Reese has 100 other players on her radar that are better, without THAT MOM.

Re: Girls 2021
Why and how do club coaches tolerate that kind of behavior? It has been mentioned several times that the girl is not all that and yet the mother feels so entitled that she can act in that manner. Forget the club coach - how are the other parents tolerating that sort of behavior? I see in the news and media all the time about people getting offended over the slightest little slip or word. Yet, these parents will sit quietly by while sending the messages to their own kids about this sort of behavior being acceptable. I really do not understand. Is this woman's last name Hogan? Is that why she's tolerated?

Re: Girls 2021
how do clubs tolerate behavior?...hey, as long as you write the check/swipe the cc, club lax will find a spot for you....

Re: Girls 2021
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Why and how do club coaches tolerate that kind of behavior? It has been mentioned several times that the girl is not all that and yet the mother feels so entitled that she can act in that manner. Forget the club coach - how are the other parents tolerating that sort of behavior? I see in the news and media all the time about people getting offended over the slightest little slip or word. Yet, these parents will sit quietly by while sending the messages to their own kids about this sort of behavior being acceptable. I really do not understand. Is this woman's last name Hogan? Is that why she's tolerated?

Ha ha, her last name isn't Hogan. She has an intimidating personality and I think most reasonable parents just don't pay much attention to her. However, once she senses a "weak" personality, she sucks them in and gets them to go along with her way of thinking. She's aggressive in her mannerisms, the way she talks, etc. Unfortunately she's a prime example of how some parents act these days, and the children of these types are the ones who pay the price.

Re: Girls 2021
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I feel sorry for this girl. I guess mom doesn't understand that College programs also evaluate the players parents as well. I'm sure this girl is getting looked at, and likely getting passed over, once the recruiters quietly figure out her mom is...... "That mom" ! ! !

You are 100% correct. For my daughter's club team, I was the person who gave out the team brochures to the college coaches during games. I've met well over 100 coaches from all 3 divisions and the NAIA. I've heard MANY conversations amongst the coaches and I can tell you for a 100% fact that they see and hear EVERYTHING. They watch player AND parent attitudes. They take LOTS of notes on everything. I've seen them scratch through a players name because of the attitudes. They will quietly walk among the parents and listen. So, before you (over-zealous parent) yell at a ref or opposing player (that's the worst thing you can do) remember this post. The last thing an underpaid college coach wants to deal with for the next 4 or 5 years is a loud-mouth parent.
As far as this mom is concerned, my guess is that her lanky lefty will not get that 100% scholly to U of Md. One, the kid isn't that good yet. I'm not so sure she is getting looked at, yet. Not quite "there" yet on the talent scale. Two, mom is, just like you said...That mom. Cathy Reese has 100 other players on her radar that are better, without THAT MOM.

Team brochures printed up and handed out to all the college coaches, why doesn't my club do that for the girls? What teams do this?

Re: Girls 2021
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I feel sorry for this girl. I guess mom doesn't understand that College programs also evaluate the players parents as well. I'm sure this girl is getting looked at, and likely getting passed over, once the recruiters quietly figure out her mom is...... "That mom" ! ! !

You are 100% correct. For my daughter's club team, I was the person who gave out the team brochures to the college coaches during games. I've met well over 100 coaches from all 3 divisions and the NAIA. I've heard MANY conversations amongst the coaches and I can tell you for a 100% fact that they see and hear EVERYTHING. They watch player AND parent attitudes. They take LOTS of notes on everything. I've seen them scratch through a players name because of the attitudes. They will quietly walk among the parents and listen. So, before you (over-zealous parent) yell at a ref or opposing player (that's the worst thing you can do) remember this post. The last thing an underpaid college coach wants to deal with for the next 4 or 5 years is a loud-mouth parent.
As far as this mom is concerned, my guess is that her lanky lefty will not get that 100% scholly to U of Md. One, the kid isn't that good yet. I'm not so sure she is getting looked at, yet. Not quite "there" yet on the talent scale. Two, mom is, just like you said...That mom. Cathy Reese has 100 other players on her radar that are better, without THAT MOM.

Team brochures printed up and handed out to all the college coaches, why doesn't my club do that for the girls? What teams do this?

Because they are in 8th grade and there have been hardly any coaches watching at this point. Yikes.

Re: Girls 2021
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I feel sorry for this girl. I guess mom doesn't understand that College programs also evaluate the players parents as well. I'm sure this girl is getting looked at, and likely getting passed over, once the recruiters quietly figure out her mom is...... "That mom" ! ! !

You are 100% correct. For my daughter's club team, I was the person who gave out the team brochures to the college coaches during games. I've met well over 100 coaches from all 3 divisions and the NAIA. I've heard MANY conversations amongst the coaches and I can tell you for a 100% fact that they see and hear EVERYTHING. They watch player AND parent attitudes. They take LOTS of notes on everything. I've seen them scratch through a players name because of the attitudes. They will quietly walk among the parents and listen. So, before you (over-zealous parent) yell at a ref or opposing player (that's the worst thing you can do) remember this post. The last thing an underpaid college coach wants to deal with for the next 4 or 5 years is a loud-mouth parent.
As far as this mom is concerned, my guess is that her lanky lefty will not get that 100% scholly to U of Md. One, the kid isn't that good yet. I'm not so sure she is getting looked at, yet. Not quite "there" yet on the talent scale. Two, mom is, just like you said...That mom. Cathy Reese has 100 other players on her radar that are better, without THAT MOM.

Team brochures printed up and handed out to all the college coaches, why doesn't my club do that for the girls? What teams do this?

Because they are in 8th grade and there have been hardly any coaches watching at this point. Yikes.

Let me clarify. I handed out brochures for my daughter's 2016 team. Right now it's too early to be doing that for the 2021's players. Sorry for the confusion.

Re: Girls 2021
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I feel sorry for this girl. I guess mom doesn't understand that College programs also evaluate the players parents as well. I'm sure this girl is getting looked at, and likely getting passed over, once the recruiters quietly figure out her mom is...... "That mom" ! ! !

You are 100% correct. For my daughter's club team, I was the person who gave out the team brochures to the college coaches during games. I've met well over 100 coaches from all 3 divisions and the NAIA. I've heard MANY conversations amongst the coaches and I can tell you for a 100% fact that they see and hear EVERYTHING. They watch player AND parent attitudes. They take LOTS of notes on everything. I've seen them scratch through a players name because of the attitudes. They will quietly walk among the parents and listen. So, before you (over-zealous parent) yell at a ref or opposing player (that's the worst thing you can do) remember this post. The last thing an underpaid college coach wants to deal with for the next 4 or 5 years is a loud-mouth parent.
As far as this mom is concerned, my guess is that her lanky lefty will not get that 100% scholly to U of Md. One, the kid isn't that good yet. I'm not so sure she is getting looked at, yet. Not quite "there" yet on the talent scale. Two, mom is, just like you said...That mom. Cathy Reese has 100 other players on her radar that are better, without THAT MOM.

Team brochures printed up and handed out to all the college coaches, why doesn't my club do that for the girls? What teams do this?

Because they are in 8th grade and there have been hardly any coaches watching at this point. Yikes.

Let me clarify. I handed out brochures for my daughter's 2016 team. Right now it's too early to be doing that for the 2021's players. Sorry for the confusion.

Not too early for 2021's at least half the girls on my daughters team have offers already with several already making verbals. But there were no brochures involved. Interesting idea though. Did the club pick up the cost of that or did the team go out and do it on there own? Would make a nice keepsake too.

Re: Girls 2021
Half the team has offers already? Just curious, is this team LI based or MD based? I know a bunch of extremely talented girls on a variety of clubs that haven't committed yet.

Re: Girls 2021
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Half the team has offers already? Just curious, is this team LI based or MD based? I know a bunch of extremely talented girls on a variety of clubs that haven't committed yet.

I don't think they can tell you. These sound like those super-secret commits. They would have to kill you.

Re: Girls 2021
they are probably getting invites to the camps and they are thinking it is a verbal. so many schools haven't even got thru the 2019' or 2020's.

Re: Girls 2021
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Half the team has offers already? Just curious, is this team LI based or MD based? I know a bunch of extremely talented girls on a variety of clubs that haven't committed yet.

This team is imagination based.

Re: Girls 2021
I bet it's ILM from MD United East. The one mentioned above, or ILD at API. Both are coocoo for cocoa puffs.

Re: Girls 2021
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Half the team has offers already? Just curious, is this team LI based or MD based? I know a bunch of extremely talented girls on a variety of clubs that haven't committed yet.

I don't think they can tell you. These sound like those super-secret commits. They would have to kill you.

What happens with the "secret commitments" now that the early recruiting proposal passed and goes into effect almost immediately. Will the "secret commitments" now have to remain a secret until Sept 1 of junior year? Or are those of you with players who are "secretly committed" able to take it public now before the new rules go into effect by end of April?

Re: Girls 2021
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Half the team has offers already? Just curious, is this team LI based or MD based? I know a bunch of extremely talented girls on a variety of clubs that haven't committed yet.

This team is imagination based.

Stick your head in the sand if that's what you want to do, tell yourself whatever you need to so you can sleep at night. Your daughter and her teammates may very well not have college coaches looking at them and there may not be any college coaches at their games to hand out brochures to, but that certainly is not the case for all teams and all girls. Typical reaction though, about what I expected. Recruiting for this age group is shutting down next week anyway, so unless you have offers in your hand you will have to wait until junior year to hand out brochures.

Re: Girls 2021
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I bet it's ILM from MD United East. The one mentioned above, or ILD at API. Both are coocoo for cocoa puffs.

If it's ILM, her kid has a LONG way to go to get a look from anybody. ILM has made her a basket case.

Re: Girls 2021
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Half the team has offers already? Just curious, is this team LI based or MD based? I know a bunch of extremely talented girls on a variety of clubs that haven't committed yet.

This team is imagination based.

Stick your head in the sand if that's what you want to do, tell yourself whatever you need to so you can sleep at night. Your daughter and her teammates may very well not have college coaches looking at them and there may not be any college coaches at their games to hand out brochures to, but that certainly is not the case for all teams and all girls. Typical reaction though, about what I expected. Recruiting for this age group is shutting down next week anyway, so unless you have offers in your hand you will have to wait until junior year to hand out brochures.

Okay, your answer tells me that you're the ILM from Md United East, the ILD from API or a LI [lacrosse] (which is the same as ILD from Westbury). As the parent of a 2016 who was fairly highly recruited (eight D1's), I can tell you with 100% confidence that recruiting 2021's right is a BAD thing. If your daughter is one of the 2021's that is a real person, and is actually being recruited, I recommend that you wait until after junior year to make a decision. There is almost no way she is prepared to face the reality of having to live with a possibly bad decision for the next 8 years. Trust me from first-hand experience. My daughter committed during the early summer after sophomore year and it didn't turn out well. Not all her fault, but the result was the same: not a good choice of school. Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it!

Re: Girls 2021
I just saw a tweet from IL Women that showed an email they received today. It states that the recruiting ban is effective as of yesterday. Sorry ILM and ILD.

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