Yep. All the good players are in Privates. That fact is well known!!
There are talented players in both private and public - just happen to be many more in private because:
1) they are legacy and their dads gave them no choice to play since birth.
2)they pay for lacrosse to be part of their school day.
3)kids are "paid" in the form of scholarships to attend private instead of public. The kids who had gone to the school all along and should be part of the team are pushed to the bench to make way for the kids that would have been public had $$ not been flashed before them.
4)kids are held back so they look better
5)Alumni often value sports over the academics and infuse money into the school and lacrosse program
6) Kids and their families rate water cooler bragging rights higher than most else.
7)Not all are willing to work harder to do what it takes to get noticed in a public high school and simply want to associate themselves with a "name lacrosse school" in hopes of getting picked up
8)Publics tend not to publish their commitments out in the world as they do not feel the same need to boast as privates as it does not offer any funding advantage.
All well and good but let's not kid ourselves on why there is a greater number of talented players - this is Baltimore. The ONLY place it matters where you went to high school.