Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
OK, here is what we have so far.

Top 2021 Girls Club Teams

1. Top Guns 2020 (Best of any age group. Ever.)
2. (Tie) M&D 2021 Black
YJ Blue (or whatever they are called)

Anything else?

Yes, the sad end to this story is that they will never be the best 7th grade or older team, you will always have to remember back to when they were 6th graders and the good old days.

That's ok it will be a better experience for the remaining players. Unlike most of the parents in the lax world nowadays I will be happy to see the 2020 black team play without the girls that left. Smaller roster and SS coaching them will make them better players. Remember being undefeated means nothing to the college coaches that will be recruiting the girls in three years . Ability to play in the team concept and grow as young ladies on the field and in the classroom is what they will be looking for. The good old days are gone. It was fun to watch the one dominant player take over a game all by herself! I wish her well . I look forward to watching her continue to grow as a player it will be great to see her succeed in life and lacrosse. Good old days , good memories and friendships, better days ahead for all! It's only a game and it will be over before we all know it is.

If you like the team concept in lacrosse then you were better off with SL as coach rather than SS. He promoted that concept. SS to her credit lived and thrived as an isolation player, one of the best ISO players ever. That is what she will be coaching too, great for the couple kids she deems worthy, frustrating for the rest. That being said, 2020 group of parents are the most obnoxious and annoying group ever. This isn't even your age group thread and you have to come on here and make it about you. I thought the dismantling of the 2020 black team would quite all you chest pounders down, your worse than ever. Maybe that's half the reason all the players and coach ditched the team.

Well said except SL promotes the team concept is one of the funniest things I have ever heard. TG 2020 played team concept in blowout games only otherwise it was all thru one kid. East Islip the offense has been run thru 1 kid for years and this year will be no different. 2015 TG slightly different , all offense run thru 2 kids. Not saying he does it out of anything other than necessity but team concept is laughable.

Actually if you watched all those 2020 games, you have it backwards. The isolation player feasted relentlessly on the weak teams and struggled against the tough defense, those games were won through team play. On the HS level running plays through and to certain girls is not the same thing as isolation play. Isolation means clear out fan, get out of the way, one girl is gonna try to dodge, spin bull her way to goal, no matter double or triple team defense. Completely different than running set plays to a cutting shooter, even if it is the same shooter over and over it is still team play.