Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Igloo beat United 2 out of 3 times last season- one loss was at 91 tournament where refs are paid by 91.

Really ? You think the refs were paid to make United win ? What about Laxfest ? Isn't that 91 run ? Where was the second time igloo won ?

Are u kidding? Igloo has beaten United every time they have played with the exception of this past year's Shamrock Shootout. The one ref was so ridiculous in his calls I literally have never seen anything like it. United is way too good a team to count that as a win. They saw what was taking place. United is a very very good team. As of now, Igloo is better. Anything can happen this year.

By the way, they played 3 times last year, Halloween Havoc, Shamrock Shootout, and Lax Fest. Igloo won 2. They also played approximately 4 times the year before, with Igloo easily winning all 4. We will see what happens this year. Heard the United face off kid is gone. He was good.