Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The weekend went great. 5 very evenly spread out coaches. GC, North Shore, Friends Academy, Mercy, and West Islip coaches. Great experience.

What does this mean? Your thought is the coaching was good for all the long island teams at the tournament?

i am curious, how do you very evenly spread out 5 coaches between 3 teams? And to make it even worse the team that had only one coach, that coach had a daughter playing on one of the other teams at the same time as the games he was coaching. So even though this coach is very good, at this tournament the coaching was minimal at best as it was obvious this coaches mind was probably on his daughters game. End result this team lost to teams that they were far better than.

If I gave you $100 would you complain that I didn't give you more? Some people are never happy. How much "coaching" were you expecting? It's a showcase event for an all-star team.

I have three words for the school girls tournament last weekend..... GO TO GOAL