Originally Posted by Anonymous
If you are reclassing you won’t be able to play in any NLF tournaments or US Club Lax National Championships and who knows how many other tournaments by next summer.

The reclass calculus is going to get more complicated but it will still happen. When a reclass is in 8th grade and their on-age team is in 9th grade they'll miss out on the development in Spring when their teammates are playing for their highschools. They'll be at a big disadvantage when the HS season ends and the team prepares for and plays summer tournaments. I suppose they could practice with their clubs 8th grade team during the Spring to help mitigate that if allowed.

I'm not a parent of a reclass so I can't speak for the rationale, but I assume it's all about getting the advantage during the sophomore year of HS which still doesn't really change. The instagram videos during the younger grades were just a bonus.