Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Get a life all of you! Do any of you know why the riptide decided to give up an organization they had to join with Zummo's legacy group? My guess to make all of you upset and wine about it. Honestly get a life and tell your son to go out there and pony up. Or is it because your kiss [lacrosse] demeanor won't secure your sons spot.

They both looked at their organizations teams and found very little overlap. My guess is the 2018 & 2019 numbers prior to the merger were light. Now you get a bunch of Riptide players at that level - and peaked interest from players that wouldn't have shown up - and presto - you get a competitive team out of the gate. None of this haphazard, it is a calculated well thought out business plan. Business, let me say it again Business. They will go from one team - to fielding multiple teams 2023-2018 in a year. be interested to hear everyone's perspective tomorrow after tryouts.
I'll bring my son down to check it out but what initially made this program appealing - one team per age group, paid coaches(no parents),and commitment to building an "elite" team is watered down by the Riptide merger. Starting to smell like a money grab. Why did try out fee just jump from $50 to $75?

I think everything is still the same. However, I don't think the money grab is right. They are evenly priced. They deserve the benefit of the doubt since they appear to be doing everything right. And if they don't deliver they won't get the same attention next year. And you got 3 hours of a Zummo clinic on the cheap. So glad these tryouts are tomorrow. I wish teams would post how many kids are coming. I see some negative and positive in doing that, but what's difference.