Originally Posted by Anonymous
How long to Clemson becomes a top 25 team every year. They totally went in the opposite direction of South Florida. I think South Florida had 19 20,24 commits and 20 2023 commits for next year Clemson has 19 transfers. should be interesting.

Top 25? No point.... there is not enough parity in the sport yet. Stick to Top 20.

As for Clemson being Top 20 every year? Don't see it happening any time soon. There just isn't enough talent to go around. There are some really good/great schools with a lot to offer that have been playing women's lacrosse for a long time and very few have been able to compete with the Top 20 on a regular basis. If you can not bring in the talent it is hard to compete with the programs that do. The top programs seem to bring in the top talent year after year that is why they consistently outperform all of the other programs.