Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Grizzles will top a Top-10 team in 2-3 years? How, where will they pull these players?

Hero's Green
Yellow Jackets

Take those teams to the bank for remaining in top-10. You prob have another MD team that can pull from other MD teams to form another top-10. My guess is Skywalkers or MD United being that one.

Grizzles will need to take best players on Gold Coast, Prime Time and develop and maybe it can work out, but prob not. Long island going to get another team in that conversation, FLG perhaps if they can maintain talent.

Remember. Grizzlies don't have tryouts after 7th grade. So their team this upcoming fall is pretty much their team throughout recruiting unless someone gets promoted from the B team.

I watched them play one game last summer. Here is a quick take on them. Their stick skills are nowhere near the top 3 clubs or so and they have a few players who are very undersized. They also had pretty even playing time which likely contributed to some loses. Its pretty clear the coaches were taking a long-term view when making the team.

All that being said, they were more athletic than any 27 team on the Island - FLG is the only club that's even close.

If they can develop these athletes, they will be a top 15 club sooner rather than later. Will they eventually pass YJA, probably not. But will they likely hold their own in the top A brackets within a couple year? very likely.

Of course they will pass or be on par most teams including YJA. This is one of the wealthiest areas in the country where lacrosse is used to get into the top colleges. These girls will be trained and coached by the best and their commits will be top tier. Rich preppy stereotypical lax players