Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Because all of the parents are CLEARLY former athletes who know how important 6th grade lacrosse is. They know that college coaches are hiding in the bushes to watch their kids and get a recruiting advantage for the 12 scholarships they have to split between 50 kids.

These same parents are the ones who move their chairs between quarters so they can “coach” their kid from the sidelines because we all know that’s what the kids (and coaches) want. BTW- the college coaches love it too.

Or they may want to have a better view of their kid. But your explanation is more fun

This is fun excuse. There is NOWHERE on a sideline where you can't see the game and your kid. The question is do you need to be right on top of them? The number of kids that look to the sideline between plays instead of to their teammates and coaches is laughable. The joystick coaching from the parents on the sidelines IS the problem.

This may be the densest argument yet on these boards. I’m not going to roast a parent for choosing to be 30 yards away from their kid instead of 80 yards. My kid’s a goalie so I move and rarely hear parents offering anything more than encouragement.

These self righteous dads who think they’re above others on these boards…Guys, you want to see who’s talking about what on here and you’re in the swamp with the rest of us. Give it a rest.
