Originally Posted by Anonymous
Given that the tryout season is just around the corner, from the teams listed below
A). Which teams have some big upside going into the tryouts (only looking for 1 or 2 players).
B). What position does each team need to get to the next level (G, D, M, A, F/O)

This could be helpful for those players looking for a team. If a team has a well established line (or the coaches son's play certain position) I doubt a team is looking in that direction, so please keep this positive so we can potentially steer families to the best option for their player to play (or steered families away from a dead-end tryout which sometimes leads to a donation to the organization)

Originally Posted by Anonymous
2019 Team Rankings

Now that the season is over what are the rankings for the 2019 teams ?

Please no negative comments.

1- 91 orange
2- Dune Dogs
3- L.I. Express
4- True Blue
5- N.Y. All Grays
6- fl$
7- Outlaws
8- 91 white
9- Riptide
10 ?

I think this list is accurate.

Many good teams at this age group. In order to make one of the top teams your kid will have to earn a spot by displacing another good player. There are not too many superstars out there but there is a tremendous amount of talent. I am sure there are a lot of kids out thee who could make these teams if they went to the tryouts. Not all of the best players are playing Club Lacrosse. Also, I am sure that some very good players would not make (the top) teams. (why would a team want to break up good chemistry) I do not pretend to know how all of these teams think but if you want to see where your kid stands bring him to a couple of tryouts. Even if he does not make the team you will see how he compares to the other 100 or so kids on the field. Having your son go to a tryout will also be a good experience (7th grade does not matter) but tryouts can be used to help a player by getting him out of his comfort zone (his town team) .

Remember, not all of the best kids play for the best team. These boys are going into 7th grade and we will see a lot of change over the years to come. Good luck to all.