Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Love the BBL and EN parents. Making excuses, before, during and after every game. Completely pathetic parents. News flash. Everyone is missing players. Ok? Everyone. Now let your kid go out and lose their games, and YOU keep your trap shut! Ya lost! Nothing new. I’m sure you’re use to it by now.

So true! As soon as our team took the lead against EN all the moms start volunteering information about how the team doesn’t have all their players. That went on and in and on. And more than once. Maybe I should have responded by telling her that our team was missing 5 starters including our top player?? Naw. Excuses are for losers. Hear that EN moms?!!

"Maybe I should have responded by telling her that our team was missing 5 starters including our top player" <-- you just did. What a hypocritical snowflake.

The irony... EN wins a game (only one... won’t ever happen again) against a decent team, ONLY because those good teams are missing multiple top players, and all of a sudden the parents actually think they have a “good” team. Well, you don’t. Express North has always been a 2nd rate team and by all accounts it will finish out that way. Simply put, the team doesn’t have any top tier offensive talent. Not one player. All very average kids. So calm down, excuse-ridden EN moms. Your unsolicited excuses are annoying. Your boys are destined for what they are and have always been. A very average lacrosse team.

EN is a very different team when some of the boys are at Drivers Ed instead of tournaments.