Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I personally believe the extra year of eligibility should only be given to seniors. With that being said, these seniors need to stay at the current University if they want to continue playing. I understand this may be difficult if that particular University does not have a Masters program in your field of study. If that is the case then perhaps you need to get approval from the NCAA. Also, if the IVY League continues to not allow graduate students to play, then they can transfer. When you look at some of the names already in the transfer portal it makes you wonder will one or more of these highly touted super seniors miraculously appear at UNC next year. Allowing transfers to all will IMHO only make the best teams even better.

Also, the athletic money (not academic) these seniors received this year must continue into next year and NOT count against the fully funded (12) athletic scholarships for the remaining four years of girls (College class of 2021 thru 2023). This way once these super seniors leave at the end of 2021 the athletic scholarships are back to normal.

I know some may not see this as fair to the remaining underclassmen, but it is not fair to the HS girls either.

Does anyone think this is a fair idea?

Is this a joke? Who gives a darn if it’s fair in your eyes. Your fair benefits YOUR kid. The NCAA will make the decision, keep your one sided fair fantasy to yourself.

Hey BadPerson...my daughter is a Junior and I wrote this. She would not benefit from the guidelines I suggested above and to be honest most of the underclassman do not want another year. One sided fantasy? No it is actually a semi decent idea compared to all the whining from you typical butt on this forum. Let me guess, your daughter is an incoming freshman or perhaps even still a junior in HS. My plan actually helps that group at least athletic money wise. If she is as good as you think, she will be a starter right off the bat so you will be the big winner...if she is as good as you think she should be able to even beat out the super seniors. I was just trying to get a thoughtful discussion going, but as expected a typical butt answer...