Originally Posted by Anonymous
Levittown tomahawks parents and coaches should be ashamed of the behavior they displayed yesterday. Long Island express was asked last minute to play in this tournament. The cursing and screaming was poor sportsmanship. The drinking at this event is an embarrassment.

It is about the players and the parents ruined it. Enjoy your t-shirts and the pride you have for behaving that way. Best of luck.

That's great you were asked last minute to play but bring your 2026's not 2025 & 2024 payers. Levittown did nothing wrong they called out a bunch of cheaters. How you can even justify what you did is ridiculous. How is it fair to all of the true 2026 teams that entered that tournament. we all know why Express didn't bring their true 2026 team because they would have lost. For you to say Levittown parents & coaches should be ashamed of their behavior, those kids played hard all day earned the right to play for the championship against a true 2026 team not a team full of older kids, You really need to take a look at yourself Talk about poor sportsmanship cheating a fine example of sportsmanship, I sure you all made Channy proud. keep convincing yourselves that you won and what you did is right..