Originally Posted by Anonymous

laxachusetts was much smaller in size than FCA. In fact, the announcers commented on that fact during the live stream. What they failed to comment on was that the reason for much of the size difference could be attributed to the Baltimore private school holdback mentality. Congrats to Laxachusetts for playing a super competitive game.

Fat Crab promotes the double holdback and should be ashamed of himself. He is an embarrassment to the sport and now his team should be embarrassed for their attempts to cheat leading to failure. Karma at it's best. The Crabs are at best true to there mascot.....bottom feeders.[/quote]

Promotes?! Very Fake News. You might as well discriminate all private schools in MD to fit your agenda. Other teams win? Of course, what the [lacrosse] were they waiting on, teams invited to the events certainly should win games, which reflects greatly on our sport and competition at this level. 1 point, 2 point,
OT playoff games every week, parents and fans getting great lacrosse. At the end of the day we are all in the same community, no need for the personal bs on here. See you at NLF, Happy 4th.

Fat Crab=Crab Poop=Losers