Originally Posted by Anonymous
You only get better by playing the best. Only a loser would suggest not traveling to play MD to play their teams. I hope your daughter is not on the team and you are not passing on that losing attitude to your daughter.

If the traveling and cost is too much for you there are plenty of clubs on LI you and your daughter can join. Win or loss I look forward to traveling to MD this summer and playing MD's best.

The only looser is you. Both figuratively and literally. You think the team gets better going to MD and getting blown out? meanwhile they can't even beat / or barely beat other LI teams? You are delusional and probably the coach. Wake up and realize what's going on. The team is not up to par with MD and losing every game is not helping, especially when coach plays the "favorites" who are really just the [lacrosse] kissers who can't perform when needed.