Originally Posted by Anonymous
1. 91 Bandits
2. Igloo
3. 91 Warriors
4. S2S
5. Express
6. 91 Wolfpack
7. Empire Green
8. Legacy Tornados
9. South Shore Thunder
10. Anyone's guess

This is so dumb on so many levels. First, Bandits havent played any 2023 teams yet but lost to a 2022 town team twice. Wolfpack is a very good 2024 team, but get them out because you're ranking 2023's so they don't belong. Igloo hasn't played yet. Express hasn't played yet. S2S hasn't played yet. Empire hasn't played yet. The only teams on your stupid list that have even played each other are Warriors, Tornados and South Shore Thunder. Even after Blatant, rankings won't matter because it's fall. Teams like the Bandits have only practiced 4 times. Give it till summer and see how they rank after the spring tourneys.