Totally agree and as for this poster calling the girls teams walk-on that may be true for a couple of players they have trouble attracting talent because of the price point but the core group is solid and has alot of lax talent. We don't claim to be YJ's and you know what we are ok with it. We have also a close bunch, great kids everyone gets along and we love watching the kids play. What is the matter with everyone these days? Why does everyone feel that they need to rip everyone apart all the time? Do you see any fl$ parents on here complaining about the program, that it was terrible, that they never would go back? I don't feel ripped off. My daughter loves fl$, her friends, her coaches and so do I. Why does lacrosse always have to be about being D1 level. I know my kids is not and it's fine. If we like our club then you should not care so much. Everyone on here sounds like a bunch of parents that have kids that were cut and I feel sorry for the kids but anyone who is part of lax knows you have your kid try out for more than one team. It is what it is. Enjoy your winter lacrosse.